This paper presents a case of mediated learning experience,in a visual art class,of a Greek Secondary Education school in Athens. The purpose of the paper is to present all procedures of mediation, that were developed, for the understanding of Christian Greek Orthodox ecclesiastical visual art culture, in the context of a third year high school visual art class,of a multicultural secondary education school in Athens. The paper is part of a case study, about the perceptions of pupils,of a multicultural Greek High School, for the Greek Orthodox Ecclesiastical visual art culture. The research highlighted cognitive routines of critical thinking and practices of mediation, that enabled pupils to get in depth insight into topics of art enquiry.
Irene Tsimboukidou is an associate lecturer at the ecclesiastical academy of Athens. She holds a Phd in art education from exeter university, UK, and an MA in fine arts from the highest institution of fine arts, Sofia Bulgaria. She has worked for the establishment of Greeces arts schools, for the Greek Ministry Of Education and as an art teacher in secondary education. She has exhibited her art work and published her research in Greece and abroad.