Giorgos Dikaios, a member of our program, will be participating in a round table event titled "Navigating Waves: Essential Skills for Youth to Thrive in the Blue Economy" as part of the 9th Our Ocean Conference Greece. The event will take place on Monday, April 15, 2024, from 12:00 to 12:50, at the Multifunctional Room 2 Round Table Events of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center. For more information about the conference, please visit

The Our Ocean Conference is a global forum that brings together various stakeholders such as governments, international organizations, universities, NGOs, and businesses to discuss and take measures to protect the seas. The 9th Our Ocean Conference Greece will take place from April 15 to 17, 2024, at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center.


9th Our Ocean Conference Greece 

APRIL 15 - 17, 2024, Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center

«Navigating Waves: Essential Skills for Youth to Thrive in the Blue Economy»

| 12:00-12:50 | Multifunctional Room 2 Round Table Events

Το Our Ocean Conference έχει καθιερωθεί ως ένα παγκόσμιο φόρουμ διαλόγου που συγκεντρώνει τον πολιτικό, ακαδημαϊκό και επιχειρηματικό κόσμο (Κυβερνήσεις, Διεθνείς Οργανισμοί, Πανεπιστημιακοί, Μ.Κ.Ο. κ.ά.) με στόχο την υποστήριξη και λήψη μέτρων για την προστασία της Θάλασσας.







The “THEATRE2SEA” 1st Symposium (2024)

The Jean Monnet Action THEATRE2SEA is organizing a symposium on "Community Theater and Environmental Pressures in the Coastal Communities of the Mediterranean". This two-day meeting aims to gather undergraduate and postgraduate students and academic experts to create new knowledge and encourage discussion about applied environmental theatre. The symposium will be held in a hybrid format, with both remote and face-to-face sessions.



George Alexandrakis (Institute of Applied and Computational Mathematics at the Foundation of Research and Technology)

Alexia Altouva (Theatre Studies Department, NKUA)

Thalia Bousiopoulou (Theatre Studies Department, NKUA)

Katerina Diakoumopoulou (Theatre Studies Department, NKUA)

George Dikaios (Department of Ports Management and Shipping & the Department of Political Science and Public Administration, NKUA)

Panagiotis Michalopoulos (Theatre Studies Department, NKUA)

Athanasia Vasilopoulou (Theatre Studies Department, NKUA)



Monday, 3 June

19:00 – 21:30

Webex: | 1216259199

Tuesday, 4 June

12:00- 15:00

 Faculty of Philosophy, EKPA, 9th floor, room 916



Please contact for any queries:



There is no registration fee for the symposium.


Audio-visual facilities

If you would like to show a PowerPoint presentation on the projector, please bring it alone on a USB driver.



Thursday-Friday, 6-7 June 2024

University of Lille, Campus Pont-de-Bois bâtiment B - Salle B0.619

Thalia Bousiopoulou participated in a conference in Lille, France, with a presentation titled:  “‘Nous sommes tous des lichens’. La symbiose de l’homme et de l’animal en perspective éco-philosophique dans le théâtre grec contemporain” (“‘We are all lichens’. The symbiosis of man and animal in an eco-philosophical perspective in contemporary Greek theatre”).

The conference, titled Utopies contemporaines et esthétiques de l’animalité dans la littérature et les arts. Contextes méditerranéens (Contemporary utopias and aesthetics of animality in literature and the arts. Mediterranean contexts), was organized by the University of Lille (Laboratoire CECILLE) and the Theatre Studies Department, NKUA and took place on 6th and 7th June, 2024.

One of the fundamental aims of the conference is to reflect on the presence of contemporary utopias, which can evolve both in an environmental context and in a wider social and cultural ecosystem. More specifically, the conference explores the concept of animality in relation to a contemporary utopian dimension, often inherent in the various situations represented, notably in neo-Hellenic theatre, literature and cinema. The aim is also to highlight new conceptions of the symbiosis between nature and society, the human and the non-human, by placing it within an aesthetic discourse whose political content is undeniable, even if it is sometimes underlying.



International Conference on “Theatrical Activity in the Region”

The Theatre in the Periphery

Friday 8/11 and Saturday 9/11/2024, Chania, Crete

Professors of THEATRE2SEA Alexia Altouva, Katerina Diakoumopoulou and Panagiotis Michalopoulos participated in the International Conference on "The Theatre in the Periphery" Friday 8/11 and Saturday 9/11/2024, Chania, Crete, Greece, Laboratory for Research and Documentation of Modern Greek Theater, Department of Theater Studies, NKUA Laboratory of Theater, Film and Music, Department of Literature, University of Crete, Theater of Crete State Theater of Northern Greece Region of Crete Municipality of Chania.


International Conference on “Theatrical Activity in the Region”

Friday 8/11 and Saturday 9/11/2024, Chania, Crete, Greece

Laboratory for Research and Documentation of Modern Greek Theatre,
Department of Theatre Studies, NKUA

Laboratory of Theatre, Film and Music,
Department of Literature, University of Crete,

Theatre of Crete

State Theatre of Northern Greece

Region of Crete

Municipality of Chania

The Laboratory for Research and Documentation of Modern Greek Theatre of the Department of Theatre Studies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, in collaboration with the Laboratory of Theatre, Film and Music of the Department of Literature, University of Crete, the Theatre of Crete, the State Theatre of Northern Greece, the Region of Crete and the Municipality of Chania is organizing an International Conference on Theatre in the Region, which will take place at the "Mikis Theodorakis" Theatre in Chania. 

The conference, scheduled to take place from November 8 to November 9, 2024. It aims to bring together experts, artists, scholars, and practitioners from around Greece and Europe to explore and discuss the role of theatre in regional communities and its impact on social, cultural, and political dynamics. The occasion of the conference is the 40th anniversary of the establishment of Municipal Regional Theatres in Greece. The focus of the conference is the Greek region, but we are particularly interested in regional theatre policy in other European countries and the mobility of theatre troupes in areas outside the capital across Europe. Indicative axes and themes of the conference:

  • Regional theatre policy: subsidies for theatre groups, Municipal Regional Theatres, ArmaThespidos, State Theatre of Northern Greece
  • Τheatre in the region, regional theatre policy in other countries (Italy, France, Germany, etc.)
  • Touring troupes, theatre networks, mobility of troupes
  • Theatre in the districts of the metropolis
  • Theatre troupes, playwrights, directors, actors, theatre critics who have worked and/or are working in the region
  • University departments, drama schools and theatre education, workshops that have operated and/or are operating in the region
  • Theatre columns in magazines and newspapers, theatre criticism, theatre publications, theatre magazines in the region
  • Theatrical buildings and venues in the region
  • Puppeteers and puppet theatre, folk theatre in the region


Conference Scientific Committee
Altouva Alexia, Assistant Professor, Department of Theatre Studies, NKUA
Varzelioti Gogo, Associate Professor, Department of Theatre Studies, NKUA
Diakoumopoulou Katerina, Assistant Professor, Department of Theatre Studies, NKUA
Ioannidis Grigoris, Associate Professor, Department of Theatre Studies, NKUA
Karra Katerina, Special Teaching Staff, Department of Theatre Studies, NKUA
Lakidou Ilia, Laboratory Teaching Staff, Department of Theatre Studies, NKUA
Michalopoulos Panagiotis, Assistant Professor, Department of Theatre Studies, NKUA
Remediaki Ioanna, Lecturer, Department of Theatre Studies, NKUA
Seiragakis Manolis, Assistant Professor, Department of Philology, University of Crete
Felopoulou Sofia, Associate Professor,Directress of Laboratory for Research and Documentation of Modern Greek Theatre, Department of Theatre Studies, NKUA

Conference Organizing Committee
Effie Theodorou, Artistic Director, Municipal Regional Theatre of Crete
Katerina Karra, Special Teaching Staff, Member of Laboratory of Theatre Research and Documentation, Department of Theatre Studies, NKUA
Asteris Peltekis, Artistic Director, National Theatre of Northern Greece
Manolis Seiragakis, Assistant Professor, Laboratory of Theatre, Cinema and Music, Department of Philology, University of Crete


Visions de la nature et défis environnementaux au prisme du regard grec. Approches transdisciplinaires et diachroniques”

“Visions of Nature and Environmental Challenges Through the Lens of the Greek Perspective”


XXVIIe Congrès des néo-hellénistes des universités francophones

27th Congress of Neo-Hellenists of Francophone Universities


February 12-13, 2025, University of Geneva


Katerina Diakoumopoulou, assistant professor, and Thalia Bousiopoulou, member of the Specialized Teaching Stuff, participated in the 27th Congress of Neo-Hellenists of Francophone Universities «Visions de la nature et défis environnementaux au prisme du regard grec» (“Visions of Nature and Environmental Challenges Through the Lens of the Greek Perspective”),  February 12-13, 2025, University of Geneva.

Katerina Diakoumopoulou: Judgment de Kostas Efkarpidis. Une allégorie théâtrale environnementale”.

Thalia Bousiopoulou: “Éclats d’écosophie dans le cinéma et le théâtre néo-helléniques: Digger de Georgis Grigorakis – Les noces, La montagne de Vassilis Ziogas”.


Comité scientifique

Vassilaki Sophie, INALCO, Paris

Dimitrios Kargiotis, Université de Strasbourg, Université de Ioannina

Titika Dimitroulia, Université Aristote de Thessalonique

Marilisa Mitsou, EHESS, CRH, Paris


Comité d’organisation

Valia Tsaita Tsilimeni, Université de Genève

Laurence Maire Maison, Université de Genève


Organisé avec le soutien de

Association gréco-suisse Jean-Gabriel Eynard

Commission administrative de l’Université de Genève

Décanat de la Faculté des Lettres de l’Université de Genève

Département MESLO de l’Université de Genève

Ministère des Affaires étrangères de la République hellénique

Société française d’études néohelléniques