Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Transformative Leadership in Times of Change: Global Dialogues with Music Education Leaders

Oct 19, 2024, 9:50 AM


Georgiou Chatzidaki - University Campus, 157 72 Zografou


Smaragda Chrysostomou Susan O'Neil


This paper contributes to the advancement of music education leadership by exploring, through dialogue, the ways that leaders from around the world make sense of their changing landscapes, both personally and professionally. Participants engaged in six dialogues that invited them to share, reflect, question, refine, elaborate, expand and represent their knowledge and understanding of the capacities, dimensions and ecologies associated with music education leadership. The dialogues focused on the challenges and opportunities that leaders in music education are facing today, 2) how we are addressing these challenges in our various contexts locally and globally, and 3) the future of leadership development in higher education, schools and community contexts. The dialogues took place online with invited participants from five continents (Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and North America). This paper considers local solutions, ethical practices and innovations that respond to contemporary challenges and the development of leadership capacities in postsecondary education.


Susan O'Neill, Smaragda Chrysostomou

Susan O’Neill is Professor and Head of Learning and Leadership at the Institute of Education in the Faculty of Education and Society, University College London. Previously, she was Dean of Education at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada, President of the International Society for Music Education (ISME), and a member of the Presidential Council of the World Alliance for Arts Education (WAAE). Her interdisciplinary background includes graduate degrees in music performance, education, and psychology. She has published widely in the fields of music psychology and music education, including contributions to 16 books published by Oxford University Press.

Smaragda Chrysostomou is Professor of Music Pedagogy and Didactics, at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, teaching in undergraduate and postgraduate courses. She teaches postgraduate courses at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus. She coordinates the ‘Arts and Culture’ team at the National project ‘Digital transformation and enrichment of educational context’. She served on the Board of the International Society for Music Education and its Executive Committee as well as the MISTE Commission. She is the Director of the Music Education Lab and the postgraduate program (MA) "Music Education in formal and informal environments" in her Department.

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