Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Visual Storytelling – Art & special education potentials in a teacher training program

Oct 19, 2024, 9:30 AM


Georgiou Chatzidaki - University Campus, 157 72 Zografou


Gabriella Pataky Györgyi Bokor-Bacsák Judit Skaliczki Viola Rekvényi


The 3•6•12+IncubARTor is an inclusive pedagogical initiative using art and visual education to cultivate an inclusive mindset in the
future educators. Rooted in play-based learning, art education and inclusive teaching, the project familiarizes educators with the
inclusion of disadvantaged children, addressing disabilities or learning difficulties. Developing visual competencies is crucial for societal collaboration and managing diverse groups. Building upon experiential learning, our project assists teacher training students in crafting empathy, essential in their future relationship with students. The IncubARTor, initiated in 2022, engages future preschool educators, primary and secondary art teachers, and instructors. Employing art pedagogy research procedures and the design thinking method, our ongoing longitudinal study aims to provide relevant findings at the intersection of special education and art pedagogy. This research supports educators in mainstream education within integrated group settings by fostering empathy and acceptance.


Judit Skaliczki, Gabriella Pataky, Viola Rekvényi, Györgyi Bokor-Bacsák

Judit Skaliczki is an Assistant Professor in visual education at the Eötvös Loránd Universtiy Budapest which she joined in 2020. She graduated from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE) with an MSc in Architecture. She is pursuing her doctorate in Built Environmental Education at the Doctoral School of Architecture of BUTE. In 2021 she joined the editorial board of the InSEA IMAG Magazine as a reviewer.

Gabriella Pataky is an associate professor at Eötvös Loránd University, head of Department of Visual Education and 3612+VisualSkillsLab, MA program director. Her research fields: built environment education, development of plastic skills, inclusion with art. She is one of the IMAG Quartet:: (the group of PrincipalEditors&GraphicDesigner) works on InSEA’s most visual journal and was a world councilor at the InSEA World Council (2017-2023).

Viola Rekvényi is a lecturer at the Visual Education Department at ELTE TÓK. She has a diverse international background in various fields of art and design. She graduated at Glasgow School of Art, UK and at MOME, Budapest. She is an active member of InSEA. Since 2021, she is a co-editor and graphic designer of InSEA’s visual journal, IMAG, through which she constantly keeps up with current trends and phenomena in the art education scene.

Györgyi Bokor-Bacsák is a special education teacher and speech therapist, the professional leader of the NGO Association for Inclusion. She is the leader of the association's inclusive projects that can be played with bricks. She teaches at the ELTE Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Medicine, and is interested in playfulness and inclusive learning situations through play in the case of diverse groups of children in the broadest sense. Member of InSEA.

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