Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Harmonizing tunes and values: the case of the accordion curriculum in Greek Music Schools.

Oct 18, 2024, 1:15 PM



Polyxeni Tseligka (University of Macedonia)


The development of the curriculum is by all means a challenging, demanding and multi-faceted procedure. The need for a sustainability-oriented education is more pressing than ever, adding another dimension to the already complex process of determining the what, how, and why of education. As far as the teaching of the accordion in Greece is concerned, no serious attempt for a comprehensive curriculum has ever been made, without Music Schools being an exception. This paper will try to align the principles of an instrumental based curriculum, with those of sustainable education and education for sustainability, in the very special and fruitful context of Greek Music Schools.


Xenia Tseligka comes from Greece. She studied Musicology (BA) at the National and Kapodistrean University of Athens, and Music Psychology (MA) at the University of Sheffield, in UK. Her formal studies on music also include conservatory degrees in European Music Theory, (Harmony-Counterpoint-Fugue) and the Accordion. She has actively participated in various courses, seminars, and master classes conducted by renowned artists, as well as in seminars in Music Therapy, Special Education and Art Therapies. She has collaborated with prestigious orchestras, ensembles, and performers in many concerts and festivals, theatrical plays, discography, and other events. At the same time, she remains dedicated to advancing her expertise in the "Concert Accordion" (Bayan). She has been teaching the accordion in Music High Schools since 2010, following her prior experience in general secondary education (2005-2010). Currently, she is a PhD candidate at the University of Macedonia, focusing her research on the Teaching of the Accordion.

Primary author

Polyxeni Tseligka (University of Macedonia)

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