Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Walnuts and chestnuts: Cultivating children's resilience through an Orff-based music and movement program in Nature

Oct 17, 2024, 4:40 PM
RM 206

RM 206


Sofia Maria Paloglou (Charokopeion University of Athens) Zacharenia Stavrou (NKUA)


Children’s well-being has been shown to be positively influenced by their contacts with Nature and their engagement with expressive media such as music, movement, and speech. The aim of this study was to develop an experiential psychoeducational program which promotes children’s resilience and is applied in Nature with the Orff music and movement approach. Participants were students of the sixth grade in a mountainous area of the Prefecture of Corinthia in Greece. Results of the study were analyzed with qualitative tools a) during the creative processing of protective coverings of chestnuts and walnuts through music, movement, and speech, and b) during the subsequent processing of children's self-protective mechanisms, feelings of safety and enjoyment, and strength in their lives. Qualitative analysis revealed the positive effects of the program on emotional awareness, empowerment, expression, and connection of children with others and with Nature.


Zacharenia Stavrou
is a Teacher in Primary Education (University of the Aegean, 2013) with a MSc in Applied Psychology in Education (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 2019). She completed a three-year course of Music and Movement Education Orff-Schulwerk (Professional Level 3) (Moraitis School, 2022).

Sofia-Maria Paloglou
is an English Teacher (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 2008) with a MA in Education and Culture (Charokopeion University of Athens, 2016). She has a diploma in Monody (2010), a degree in Piano performance (2007) and in Music Harmony (2017). She is completing a 3-year course in Music and Movement Education Orff-Schulwerk (Professional Level 3) (Moraitis School).

Primary author


Sofia Maria Paloglou (Charokopeion University of Athens)

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