Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

The Brushes of the Iberian lynx

Oct 17, 2024, 2:54 PM
RM 1 Auditorium (Modern Greek Language Teaching Centre)

RM 1 Auditorium

Modern Greek Language Teaching Centre


Diego Ortega - Alonso (University of Jaén)


The present proposal (POSTER) is about the creation of an artistic book of stories that addresses the figure of the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus), the most endangered feline on the planet, and its recovery in the last twenty years. The book includes various themes in its chapters, which delve into the figure of this emblematic feline, whose ears are topped by the so-called “brushes.” A simile that translates into the brushstrokes obtained in the natural environment and that represent an added and differentiating value in this project. The book addresses, from artistic experience, knowledge of the environment and the agents involved in the management and conservation of this emblematic species. The development of graphic content, in the format of informative stories as a travel notebook, aims to serve as a knowledge transfer tool for both the academic and general context, as well as in its social dimension regarding its interaction with the natural environment.


Diego Ortega-Alonso graduate in Fine Arts (University of Granada). Master in Aesthetic Research and Education and International Doctor in Heritage (University of Jaén). Professor and researcher in the Area of Didactics of Plastic Expression at the University of Jaén (Spain). My lines of work have an interdisciplinary nature, addressing areas such as artistic activity or research in heritage and arts, the implementation of social innovation projects, the communication of science through the arts, artistic education, scientific illustration or inclusive disclosure. I have published around fifty articles, chapters and other publications such as scientific journals, doctoral theses, textbooks and teaching materials.

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