Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Promoting Creativity in the Teaching of Literature through the interconnection of Literature and Music

Oct 17, 2024, 7:10 PM
RM 209

RM 209


Kyriaki Karousou (NKUA)


In this research, we aim at the gradual improvement and the satisfactory formation of an innovative teaching intervention plan for teaching literature in the third class of Music High School. This intervention plan systematically integrates music to literature teaching, in order to reinforce participants’ (students’ and teachers’) creativity.This research is basically based on theory about Creativity, Creative Pedagogics and on Interart / Intermediality Study and Practice, concerning the correlation between literature and music. The combination of these two scientific fields raises the prospect of an interart aspect of Creative Literature Didactics. On the basis of this theoretical framework and driven by some predetermined indications of creative thinking and behavior, a qualitative research was carried out, in the third class of a Music High School in Attica. Assessing the results, we point out that several findings of practical and theoretical significance emerge.


Karousou Kyriaki is teaching in Greek Secondary Education since 2003. She is a graduate of the Department of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology of the Hellenic Kapodistrian University and of two postgraduate study programs of the same university: Theory and Practice of Teaching and Assessment and Musical Culture and Communication: Anthropological and Communicative approaches to Music. She recently completed her doctoral thesis in the Pedagogical Department of Secondary Education of the Hellenic Kapodistrian University, which concerns the promotion of Creativity in the teaching of Literature through the interconnection of Literature with Music.

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