Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Materiality of Memory: Visual Inquiry and Having Been Present in Arts-based Educational Research

Oct 17, 2024, 6:50 PM
RM 209

RM 209


Adrienne Boulton (Kwantlen Polytechnic University)


In this paper, I take up the notion of having been present to explore memory and materiality in visual inquiry. I first explore the notion of presence in a project I developed with and for my mom, who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, but whose long term memory is activated by material possessions, including her collection of art, trinkets, and jewelry that she has acquired over the last 80 years of her life. I further consider having been present through Barthes’ (1980) concepts of studium and punctum by engaging in the ways that I responded to the photos produced during my visual inquiry with my mom. I discuss what it means to having been present as integral to visual research.


Dr. Adrienne Boulton completed a Bachelor of Education degree from the University of Saskatchewan in 1994. She moved to British Columbia in 1996 and taught Visual Art and Social Studies. She completed an MA in Curriculum and Pedagogy from the University of British Columbia in 2009 and a PhD in Curriculum from the University of British Columbia in 2015. Her research interests include arts-based forms of educational research, pre-service teacher education, memory, and inquiry. Adrienne is an Instructor in Educational Studies at Kwantlen Polytechnic University and an Instructor, Researcher, and Faculty Advisor in the Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia. Additionally, Adrienne is the Senior Editor of the Canadian Review of Art Education: Research and Issues / Revue canadienne de recherches et enjeux en éducation artistique.

Primary author

Adrienne Boulton (Kwantlen Polytechnic University)

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