Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

The colours of nature and war - recognising and representing their hues in visual arts lessons

Oct 19, 2024, 7:00 PM
RM 206

RM 206


Dace Paeglite Ilona Troschenkova Ilze Bule


In order to avoid get rid of stereotypical ideas about natural objects and instead to look for nuanced shades and, mixing colours and as well as trying to understand what can be emotionally expressed with through these activities, the teachers by of Pārdaugavas Music and Art School conducted practical exercises for with children, and came to the following conclusions:• that today stereotypical images created by digital technologies are the "muses" of urban youth.• the study of war colours, carried out by choosing and matching camouflage tones for military protective nets made by children and teachers for Ukraine in 2022 in Riga, improves the sense of solidarity and motivation to be ready to defend one's homeland.• we found that there is a need to train art teachers need training to increase their knowledge of colour tone teaching methodology. Finally, we asked ourselves - where do we live? Does it have anything to do with nature and its shades, if in everyday life we identify and represent not only the beauty of nature, but also the shades of urban and war colours?


Ilze Bule, Dace Paeglite and Ilona Troschenkova

Dace Paeglite is member of Latvian Artists Union, 2011-2022, Member of InSEA, Chairperson of LAT-InSEA. Participated in the InSEA congreses since 2003. Last cooperation with InSEA was as project coordinator in 2019 https://www.insea.org/lat-sea-poster-project/. Aim of project was to collect young people visual messages to promote awareness of diversity and point of view about social issues relevant to children. Organized the International Social Posters 2022 exhibition “Youth Dialoque between Continents- Latvia, Brazil, Hungary, South Africa” was held in Latvia and in WWAE 2023 in Madeira Portugal.Research interests – Art Education, Visual Art methodology, Painting.

Ilona Troscenkova is Master of Arts. Art educator, ceramics artist. Project coordinator in Pardaugavas Music and Art school Riga, Member of InSEA, participated in the InSEA congreses since 2018. Last membership in the InSEA seminar "Art Education: Conflicts and Connections" was in Malta, 9-11 October, 2019 with visual essay together with D.Paeglite “From Patterns to Ornament”- Children and their Cooperation in Learning National Art Messages in Migration Situations and in Cooperation with their Country of Origin”. In the 2010 had experience of a student exchange program at Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wroclaw, Poland, Faculty of Ceramics and Glass, as well as Erasmus+ exchange practice in 2012 at International Ceramics Studio, Kecskemet, Hungary. Research interests: Art Education, Sculpture and basics of design, Ceramics art.

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