Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Roots of Sustainability. Green Story of Puppets

Oct 17, 2024, 6:30 PM
RM 206

RM 206


Monika Necpalova (Thalia Teatro)


The workshop offers puppetry and mask theater as a creative medium to educate on ecological issues, specifically focusing on forest conservation and human-nature relationships. The workshop’s core ideas center around the symbolic character of a tree in a forest, which draws parallels between nature and society, fostering values of social solidarity and tolerance. The workshop for professionals encompasses various activities, including environmental discussions, physical theater, puppetry, and masked theater. The use of masks and puppets effectively conveys ecological messages, creating a captivating theatrical experience and promoting an understanding of the relationship between humanity and nature. Through practical experience with puppet animation, participants actively explore ecological topics. This effect is achieved by using natural objects. We aim to nurture ecological awareness and social values, leaving a lasting impact through a creative and immersive theatrical experience. These experiences help professionals to develop programs TIE and DIE for children and youth.


Monika Necpálová, MA is Slovak performer, actress, director, dramaturg, writer, and drama/theatre pedagogue, working internationally. She is founder and president of an international cultural NGO Thalia Teatro. 2010-2024 she professionally collaborated in the realization of over 100 projects in the field of theatre for young audiences. She works as a trainer in the Erasmus+ program. Her creative opus includes theatre&audiodrama plays, films, videopoetry. She is a Master of Performing Arts and Audiovisual Arts (Academy of Arts, Novi Sad; Applied Theatre) and graduated from Creative Pedagogy (Academy of Arts, Theatre Faculty, Prague). She is a member of IDEA, ASSITEJ (Small Size, ITYARN), IETM.

Primary author

Monika Necpalova (Thalia Teatro)

Presentation materials

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