Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Developing DansiT Choreographic Center as a pulsating hub built on the values of inclusion

Oct 19, 2024, 10:10 AM


Georgiou Chatzidaki - University Campus, 157 72 Zografou


Arnhild Staal Pettersen Tone Pernille Østern


The paper “Developing DansiT Choreographic Center as a pulsating hub built on the values of inclusion» pivots around a choreographic center that works locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally to offer activities for various audiences, dance artists and learners. Through practitioner research with an a/r/tographic (artist/researcher/teacher) approach the two authors ask: What values, strategies and turning points that help create DansiT Choreographic Centre in Trondheim, Norway, as a pulsating hub for dance arts and dance education can be identified in a collaboration between two partners from the artistic field and the local university? The main insights discussed are: a) values of inclusion of different bodies challenge and expand dance and dance education for the better; b) lasting collaborations across the artistic field and academia support the sustainability of artistic and educational innovations, and; c) expanded choreography as approach supports critical, inclusive and innovative change of dance and dance education. https://dansit.no/


Tone Pernille Østern, Arnhild Staal Pettersen

Tone Pernille Østern (Dr. of Arts in Dance) is Professor in Arts Education with a focus on Dance at Department for Teacher Education at NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology. She is active as artist/researcher/teacher with a special interest in participatory arts, choreographic processes, inclusive and critical pedagogies, bodily learning, and performativity in teaching, learning and research. Practice-led research, a/r/tography and educational design research are important approaches in her research. A recent publication is the Arts and Culture Norway research report Artist – an available profession? A research project about artists with disabilities in Norway (Østern et al., 2023).

Arnhild Staal Pettersen is Artistic and Managing Director at DansiT Choreographic Center. She is a dancer in Inclusive Dance Company and Artistic Director for The Dance Theatre. Her 20 years of experience as creative and performing dance artist in choreographic processes, influence her leadership, curation, and facilitation in her daily work at DansiT. She is dedicated to challenge the prevailing view of whose stories are told and what bodies are seen on stage and in the art field. As freelancer she has been dancing with companies like Cirka Teater, RAA Productions and Heine Avdal & Yukiko Shinozaki / fieldworks.

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