Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Entrepreneurship education in the arts? Developing novel, ethical partnerships and alliances between sectors

Oct 17, 2024, 3:40 PM
RM 208

RM 208


Anniina Suominen (Aalto university)


This paper presentation explores two research projects focusing on the potential and challenges for increased collaborations between arts/creative professionals and other sectors, and the research and education needed to support these aims. The first presented arts and entrepreneurship education development project aimed at identifying networks and stakeholders; understanding gaps in knowledge, skills, attitudes, and dispositions; and generating ideas for tackling the identified challenges or obstacles through research, degree education, and professional education. The second, an on-going co-research project explores how creative sector may enable growth in other sectors while collaborations are established in mutually beneficial and ethical partnership and contracting strategies. These projects, founded in artpreneurship orientation, centralize arts and creative thinking as well as emphasize and critically evaluate ethics, integrity and sustainability of all actions and aims.

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