Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Critical Race Theory is an Excuse for Politicians to Prohibit the Promotion of Diversity

Oct 17, 2024, 3:20 PM
RM 208

RM 208


Allan Richards (University of Kentucky) Steve Willis (Missouri State University)


This presentation focuses on pedagogical strategies to promote diversity given that critical race theory (CRT) is being used to prohibit its promotion. CRT is about civil-rights scholars and activists who seek to examine racism embedded in US economic, political, and social institutions that lead to inequality and injustice for people of Color. While this theory is not taught in K-12 schools, it is the bogeyman use by politicians and right-wing pundits who are unwilling to acknowledge the impact of racism on the socioeconomic situations of people of color. Art educators can and must provide the leadership in schools to promote diversity despite these challenges, because without an understanding of the power of diversity to help us image what we can become, our society will be worst off for it.


Dr. Allan Richards,
a native of Jamaica completed post graduate degrees in Mexico and the United States. He taught K-12, undergraduate and graduate students in art, mathematics, biology, and agricultural science before joining the faculty at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, KY, USA. Richards has lived, worked, studied, completed research, taught, and visited more than 30 countries which continues to influence his research and teaching in Art Education and Alzheimer’s disease. His research also focuses on addressing issues of individuals who are deprived of social, political, and economic equality and justice. Dr. Richards is Chair of Art Education.

Steve Will
is taught art in public schools for 23 years before coming to Missouri State University in Springfield, where he is a Professor of Art Education. His research interests are in indigenous knowledge, issues of equity, arts assessment, community engagement, and spirituality in art. He has served as a consultant for various schools, school districts, and community arts organizations; has presented at national and international conferences; and has published in national and international journals. Steve is active in both InSEA as a Vice-President (2017–2021) and USSEA as a National Consultant. As an artist, his images concern spirituality (http://night4hawk.wixsite.com/stevewillis).

Primary author

Allan Richards (University of Kentucky)


Steve Willis (Missouri State University)

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