17–19 Oct 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Artistic-relational languages to promote participatory communities: from research paradigms to situated practices

18 Oct 2024, 18:20



Francesca Mondin (University of Macerata) Miriam Cuccu (University of Macerata) Rosita Deluigi (University of Macerata)


The close link between artistic-relational languages and the promotion of participatory communities requires a positioning of research in active, collective and interdisciplinary paradigms. The panel will explore enquiry approaches embedded in social educational and training contexts in order to initiate an attentive reflection on the challenges of complexity. The role of art will be at the centre of the reflection and methodologies presented, with reference to practices implemented in the Italian context. The panel will explore the function of art in the creation of participatory spaces and times, focusing on the promotion of inclusive environments. Through the description of different workshops and artistic strategies, the themes of social ties and conflict resolution, self-expression as active citizens and the narration of meaningful places of experience and life will be addressed.


Francesca Mondin
has a Master Degree in Pedagogical Sciences at University of Macerata (Italy). She works as a tutor and teaching assistant in General and Community Pedagogy at the University. She has participated in international and national research projects concerning Art from an educational and intercultural perspective. She is also a pedagogist and an educator in third-sector organisations. She worked on outdoor and natural education and she also has been involved in the qualitative monitoring of educational interventions in collaboration with University of Macerata. In Palermo, she deals both with education for disadvantaged young people, and with activism and performative-art.

Miriam Cuccu
is an expert on General and Social Pedagogy and a PhD student in the Course of Education, Cultural Heritage and Territories at University of Macerata (Italy). Her research is focused on a participatory research, between Italy and Kenya, about children’s access to educational opportunities and the impact of arts-based practices to promote inclusion. She is involved in local, national and international projects in the field of intercultural education, countering educational poverty and tutoring teachers in training courses. Her main research interests include the dialogue among cultures on a decolonial perspective, and community participation paths through an arts-based approach.

Rosita Deluigi
is Associate Professor of Education at University of Macerata (Italy), where she teaches General, Community and Intercultural Pedagogy. She is a Marie Curie Fellow Researcher at Pwani University and at Kenyatta University (Kenya). Her research interests concern dialogue between cultures, generations and communities through participatory and creative methodologies. She has published numerous articles and scientific reports of international projects on the use of art as a way to create interactions and foster inclusion through plural languages. She is an expert in qualitative research, particularly action-research/collaborative research in highly complex socio-cultural contexts, with multiple formal institutions and community organisations.

Primary author

Francesca Mondin (University of Macerata)


Miriam Cuccu (University of Macerata) Rosita Deluigi (University of Macerata)

Presentation materials

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