Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Finding our voice

Oct 18, 2024, 6:00 PM



Allan Richards (University of Kentucky) Steve Willis (Missouri State University)


This presentation will develop a dialog with the audience about how we, as artists and educators, strive to discover our identity and become comfortable with ourselves. When we are comfortable with ourselves, we understand and appreciate the beauty of humanity, the purpose of education, and the harmony of unity. As artists, our identity is manifested in our art-making, which is directly tied to our research – our stories, which will be part of this presentation dialog. This allows us to accept challenges and create personal transformations that directly and indirectly affect how we interact locally, regionally, and nationally to develop a global consciousness through personal awareness, self-empowerment, and transformation. Our perceptions are both subtle and drastic, shifting the personal-perceptual landscape of our ever-changing socio-cultural codes. This presentation will solicit audience conversations in response to student and professional images, visual research journalling, studio practices, and teaching pedagogy.


Allan Richards
is concerned with preparing students for their future in a global economy through the arts. He taught K-12, undergraduate, and graduate students in art, mathematics, biology, and agricultural science before joining the faculty at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, Kentucky. Richards’ research focuses on addressing issues of individuals who are deprived of social, political, and economic equality and justice. His research focus is also on improving the quality of life for individuals afflicted with Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers. He has presented and published nationally and internationally. Allan is active in both InSEA and USSEA as North American Councilor and Vice-President, respectively.

Steve Willis
(Powhatan ancestry) taught art in public schools for 23 years before joining the faculty at Missouri State University in Springfield, where he is a Professor of Art Education. His research interests are in indigenous knowledge, Native American practices, and spirituality in art. He has presented at national and international conferences; and has published in national and international journals. His recent book with Richards, A. (2023). Global Consciousness through the Arts: A Passport for Students and Teachers, 3rd ed. Kendall-Hunt, The Hocq’reila Experience, Earth Circle, and Chrysalis: Teaching with Love, KDP reflects his spirituality and cultural awareness. Steve is active in both the International Society for Education through Art (InSEA) as a Vice-President (2017–2021) and the United States Society for Education through Art (USSEA) as President (2013–2015). Steve is a Distinguished Fellow of The National Art Education Association (2017) and has received The United States Society for Education through Art’s Kenneth Marantz Fellows Award (2018); The United States Society for Education through Art’s Edwin Ziegfeld Award (2016); and The Missouri Higher Education Art Educator of the Year (2006). Steve graduated, with his PhD, from Florida State University. As a contemporary artist, he creates images concerning spirituality.

Primary author

Allan Richards (University of Kentucky)


Steve Willis (Missouri State University)

Presentation materials

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