Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

HAKO: What else and how else looking for wonder-full perspectives

Oct 18, 2024, 6:00 PM
RM 201

RM 201


Agni Stylianou-Georgiou (University of Nicosia) Demetris Yiasemides (European University Cyprus) Maria Kamberis (University of Nicosia) Panayiota Nicolaou


How does pluri-perspectivism and imagination open possibilities for looking? This workshop aims to cultivate a context that fosters openness to difference: awareness of, appreciation of and engagement with difference. Multiple ways of seeing (seeing things close and from a distance, viewing them in their integrity and particularity) and multiple dialogues can open possibilities for multiple perspectives. The participants will be actively engaged in tasks that will encourage them to looking for alternative points of viewing a multimodal scene (HAKO) and wonder ‘what else’ and ‘how else’ they could view it. The Slow Looking technique aims to provoke reflection on the act of looking appreciating the complexity of perspective and engagement. Wonder-full cognitive techniques aim to shift perspectives and encourage the use of imagination. Applying such techniques in arts education, allow new perspectives to emerge and release imagination helping us to construct personally meaningful symbolism.


Agni Stylianou-Georgiou
is an Associated Professor of Educational Psychology in the Department of Education at the University of Nicosia where she teaches Educational and Cognitive Psychology courses. She studied Elementary Education at the University of Cyprus and has a PhD in Educational Psychology (Cognition and Instruction) from the University of Connecticut. Her research interests focus on metacognition, creative teaching and learning in digital and face-to-face environments. She has been involved in EU funded projects and her research work has been presented at International Conferences and published in International Conference Proceedings and Journals.

Demetris Yiasemidis
studied music in the United Kingdom and worked as a flutist and trombonist in various ensembles (Anglia Sinfonia, ARU Big Band, Grand Union Orchestra, UAE Philharmonic Orchestra). He is currently a flute teacher at European University Cyprus and at Music High Schools. He has taught flute in Greece, Lebanon, Abu Dhabi and the United Arab Emirates. As a member of the Monsieur Doumani music group he is an active artist of the classical, folk and experimental music scene of Cyprus. Since 2021 he has been collaborating with the contemporary dance company Selas composing and presenting music.

Maria Kamberis
is a dance educator and a choreographer. Her teaching focuses on approaching dance as an art through creative movement. She has founded the professional contemporary dance and research group Selas and coordinates the dance department at Forum School, a private secondary education school in Cyprus. Maria offers teacher professional development training programs for creative movement at school contexts through the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute. She is also a part-time lecturer at the University of Nicosia, a member of the Board of Directors of CCRSM and chairman of the Board of Directors of the Nicosia Dance House.

Panagiota Nicolaou
is a professional dancer and dance teacher. During her studies she attended dance seminars in Cyprus, Chania, Barcelona, Malta, Amsterdam, and Madrid. Since 2018 she worked with renowned artists for choreographies in contemporary dance festivals both in Cyprus and abroad. She participated in several productions of the Selas Dance Company (KOKONES, AFIRIMENI, PLASMA, HAKO). Under the supervision of Maria Kamberis, she conducted creative movement seminars for educators and dance teachers at the A. G. Leventis Gallery and the Archaeological Museum of Pafos. She recently presented her own works 'Laundering' ('Juxtapose' festival) and '15 minutes' (Cyprus University of Technology).

Primary author

Agni Stylianou-Georgiou (University of Nicosia)


Demetris Yiasemides (European University Cyprus) Maria Kamberis (University of Nicosia) Panayiota Nicolaou

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