Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Harmony of ballroom dance education in China

Oct 18, 2024, 3:10 PM
RM 209

RM 209


Ralph Buck (University of Auckland) Yu Longqi (Beijing Sport University)


Creating and maintaining harmony in the dance classroom includes the bringing together of learners and teachers diverse contexts, experiences, needs and ambitions. Building harmony requires focus and rests strongly on teachers’ meanings of the dance activity. The following presentation speaks to research that asks: What are tertiary teachers’ meanings of teaching ballroom dance in China? This presentation will provide an overview of literature concerning meanings of ballroom dance, educational and competitive contexts of ballroom dance in China, and the relevant pedagogical strategies and issues informing the teaching of ballroom dance in China. This study reveals the importance of context and how this has shaped the formation of harmony and a foundation of ballroom dance in China, and equally the teaching of ballroom dance in tertiary institutions in China.


Dr. Longqi Yu
is a Dance lecturer at Beijing Sport University, China. He has taught as a Professional Teaching Fellow at the Dance Studies Department, University of Auckland, New Zealand. He is the current dance teacher for the Chinese Artistic Gymnastics National Team. Longqi’s research and teaching focuses on dance education, dance history, ballroom dance(DanceSport) and community dance. He has worked within several international dance research and service organisations such as, World Alliance for Arts Education (WAAE). As a ballroom dance competitor, he has won major international championships in the USA, UK, and Italy. His research in dance education is published in international journals and he has delivered invited presentations and classes in China, New Zealand, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Singapore, and Egypt.

Professor Ralph Buck (PhD)
is Head of Dance Studies, University of Auckland, New Zealand. His research and teaching focuses on dance education curriculum, dance pedagogy and community dance. Ralph is currently working within several international dance research and service organisations such as, World Alliance for Arts Education (WAAE) and World Dance Alliance (WDA). Ralph’s teaching and leadership has been recognised by Excellence Award for Equal Opportunities 2006; The University of Auckland Distinguished Teaching Award, 2008; Award for Leadership, 2010; and, Creative Arts and Industries Research Excellence Award, 2016. His research in dance education is published in international journals and he has delivered invited key notes and master classes in China, Denmark, Australia, Columbia, Sweden, Finland, Singapore, New Zealand, Fiji, Egypt, and India.

Primary author

Yu Longqi (Beijing Sport University)


Ralph Buck (University of Auckland)

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