17–19 Oct 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Dance and Visual Arts: An inermedial educational approach

18 Oct 2024, 14:50
RM 209

RM 209


Olympia Agalianou (NKUA)


The inner relation between arts in modern times has its roots in expressionism. This research based on the idea of using artworks of famous painters as graphic notation for choreography aiming to create or strengthen students' relationship with painting artwork and dance. An action research was organized. The participants were 56 students of an educational department and the intervention lasted five two hours’ weekly meetings. Laban Movement Analysis was utilized for developing from participants a common movement vocabulary and a physical way to approach painting. The data were collected from participant observation, critical friend’ report, questionnaires, discussions and the choreographies themselves. The thematic analysis with an inductive approach resulted in categories and themes on which the research outcomes were based. It seems that this scaffolding as an educational approach is able to enhance the relation with arts though a genuine artistic behavior that also develops expressivity and creativity.


She serves as Special Teaching Staff at department of Early Childhood Education of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (N.K.U.A.) and teaches in graduate programs of N.K.U.A, University of Macedonia and Democritus University. She is the author of a monograph, numerous chapters in Greek and foreign language publications and articles in journals and conference proceedings. She has served in primary education, has worked as a choreographer and collaborates with institutions and universities in Greece and abroad in adult educational programs. Her research interests focus on the connection among arts in education with the aim of personal development and social cohesion.

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