17–19 Oct 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Dancing from monophony to polyphony: A proposal for an interdisciplinary music classroom

18 Oct 2024, 14:30
RM 209

RM 209


Anastasia Georgaki (NKUA) Stella Fotiadi


The proposed educational intervention capitalizes on the influential role of movement in shaping our sense of rhythm and on the very nature of dance which allows for a direct connection with music’s rhythm, melody and harmony. The idea was to design an intervention that would introduce fifth or sixth grade students to the fundamental music textures (monophony, homophony and polyphony) through the art of dance, while making use of the possibilities provided by ICT. The aim was to create a learning process that, through dialogue, experimentation, active listening and students’ creations, not only supports the consolidation of knowledge, but also engages students in a multimodal, creative, fun and collaborative way.


Stella Fotiadi
is a dancer, choreographer, founder of the dance company Still Pilgrim Paradox and an active dance educator, specializing in contemporary dance, improvisation and creative movement for children, teenagers and adults. With her company she has created a number of dance productions and from 2019 until today, she designs and implements educational and artistic programs for children and teenagers/primary and secondary schools. She is currently writing her master’s dissertation on the educational and artistic possibilities that emerge through an embodied approach to scientific concepts for elementary school students, using creative dance as a basic tool.

Anastasia Georgaki
is Professor of Music Technology at the Department of Music Studies of the School of Philosophy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Since 2019 she is head of the Department of Music Studies, NKUA, director of the Laboratory of Music Acoustics and Technology and head of the Postgraduate program "Music Technology and Contemporary Practices". She has organized a large number of international and Greek music technology conferences. She has in her assets books, articles in Greek and foreign journals, international conference proceedings and collective volumes on the systematic dimension of the use of new technologies in music performance, creation and education as well as in musicological research. She has coordinated and participated many research National and European funded projects related to sound dramaturgy, augmented soundscapes , acoustics of the signing voice, etc. Main research areas : systematic musicology through acoustic analysis of the singing voice, synthesis of the singing voice, prosodic models of singing, biomusicological models, aesthetics and ethics of music technology in contemporary research, cicada modelling and soundscape research, systematic study of technological models in music creation.

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