Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Becoming an effective music teacher: Mentees and mentors

Oct 18, 2024, 2:50 PM
RM 208

RM 208


Vassilis Digos (NKUA)


Student internship is an important issue that ha been intensively debated in the field of education in Greece in recent years. The multifaceted demands of the modern educational system combined with the ever-increasing needs of students reinforces the need for training students -and future music teachers- through a structured mentoring program in the cycle of Bachelor studies. The purpose of this quantitative research with a questionnaire was to investigate the contribution of the Internship of the students of the Faculty of Music Studies, of the University of Athens, to the formation of the future "effective" music teacher, examining the experience of the students. The results of the survey showed that there are several points of benefit for students. They presented a significant improvement in certain characteristics, which they successfully utilized later in formal or informal education contexts, while the findings were also confirmed by the qualitative data of the research.


Vassilis Digos is currently a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Music Studies, at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, where he also studied his Master Degree on Music Education in Formal and Informal Environments and his Bachelor Degree on Musicology, as well. Since 2019 he is a Primary and Secondary Music Teacher. He has also studied the classical guitar performance at the Ionian University. His research interests include music education and the contribution of the Assistantship of the university students, and the development of the classical guitar.

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