Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Online continuing professional development for piano teachers: Challenges and outcomes from an on-going long-distance program.

Oct 18, 2024, 2:30 PM
RM 208

RM 208


Athina Fytika (Ionian University)


Since 2021 Ionian University runs a long-distance program for continuing development in Piano Pedagogy. The program is designed to train piano professionals in current trends of applied Piano Pedagogy topics, such as improvisation for classical pianists, group piano teaching, contemporary music, and inclusion in piano lessons. The eight-month program, in its three-year run has had more than 180 professional attendees from various academic and teaching backgrounds. Participants and teachers evaluated the program through detailed questionnaires, open discussions, and assignments’ feedback. The paper aims to focus on the challenges, good practices, evaluations, and overall outcomes of the program, as well as potential suggestions for further applications of technology-based professional development for piano teachers. The overall analysis will be based on a synthesis of quantitative and qualitative data. Furthermore, demonstration of sample training material of the program will serve as a basis for discussion and further reflection on development and variation.


Athina Fytika received her Masters and DMA degrees from Florida State University, US. She taught piano in various educational settings, such as conservatories, schools and Universities. Her research interests include methodological approaches in teaching piano skills, such as sight-reading and improvisation. She also focuses on the study, dissemination, and pedagogical applications of Greek piano music. She regularly gives lecture-recitals, as well as scientific papers on piano pedagogy and Modern Greek music in seminars and conferences both in Greece and abroad. She is the author of a Piano Pedagogy textbook (under publication in 2024). She has appeared as a pianist in solo and chamber recitals in Greece and abroad, and has recorded two CDs with Greek piano music. She is currently an Assistant Professor of Piano Pedagogy of Ionian University’s Music Department.

Primary author

Athina Fytika (Ionian University)

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