Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Breaking New Grounds in Theater in Education: The Fusion of Newspaper Theatre and Artificial Intelligence

Oct 18, 2024, 3:50 PM
RM 207

RM 207


Elpis Aravantinou-Zafeiri (NKUA) Nikolaos Kladis (NKUA)


This paper explores the potential of integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into Theatre in Education to enhance students' creativity and develop 21st-century skills. By combining the techniques of Augusto Boal's Newspaper Theatre with AI, this study seeks to assess whether AI integration can facilitate the creation of enriched and well-structured theatrical scripts and stage performances within a concise period. After researching articles on topical issues, students extract components from these sources and collaboratively create short theatrical texts using AI. They are then invited to re-enact their texts by creating short stage actions, thus moving from writing to stage performance, in which they become actively involved in the roles they have created. The study aims to contribute to knowledge both about the use of AI in education in general and its “symbiotic” relationship with theatre techniques in education in particular, enriching the dialogue on innovative educational methods.


Elpis Aravantinou-Zafeiri,
a graduate of the Department of Theater Studies at the School of Philosophy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, is currently a senior postgraduate student in the Master's Program "Greek and World Theatre: Drama, Performance, Education", specializing in Theater Didactics, she also holds a Master's degree with mention "Langues et Sociétés" - Études Néo-helléniques, from the University of Lille. Presently, she serves as a modern Greek lecturer at the University of Lille, concurrently pursuing a Ph.D. at the École Doctorale SHS of the same university. Additionally, she is completing her training in Dramatherapy at the “AEON” Institute of Dramatherapy. Her research interests focus on trauma and the educational and therapeutic dimensions of theater within diverse intercultural contexts.

Nikolaos Kladis
is a senior postgraduate student in the MA programme “Greek and World Theatre: Drama, Performance, Education”, at the Department of Theatre Studies (School of Philosophy, NKUA), specializing in Theatre Didactics. He holds a BA in Theatrology, from the same department, and he has collaborated with primary and secondary schools in the teaching of Theatre Education, as well as for the implementation of digital projects. Over the past year, he has been collaborating with UniWA in the European research project: Erasmus KA2, 2021-1-EL01-KA220-HED-000023361, 2022-2024 "Artful Educational Robotics to promote Computational Thinking in a blended Learning Context" FERTILE. His research interests include the integration of digital technologies into theatre in education.

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