Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Stepping through the doors of tomorrow: Accademia in the Era of A.I.

Oct 18, 2024, 3:30 PM
RM 207

RM 207


Dimitrios Chatzitheodosiou (NKUA)


"Stepping through the doors of tomorrow: Academia in the Era of A.I." delves into the transformative intersection of art, technology, and society, highlighting the crucial role of AI in redefining academia and arts education. It emphasizes the shift from quantity to quality in knowledge dissemination, advocating for a multidimensional academic approach that values real-life experiences and creative exploration over traditional narratives. The paper posits that academics and artists are now the pioneering stewards of AI, responsible for shaping its learning in an era dominated by digital technologies and the imminent arrival of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). It calls for ethical stewardship and practical visionary leadership in academia to guide AI development, ensuring a future where human creativity and ethical considerations remain central. The paper synthesizes the urgency to awaken from a "capitalistic slumber" and actively participate in AI's evolution, shaping it with ethical and philosophical consciousness for a sustainable future.


Dimitrios Chatzitheodosiou, fourth-time postgraduate, currently in Theater Studies at University of Athens. Specialized in Performance Art and its application in large organizations' human resources, qualified from University of Bolton, UK. He developed expertise in performing arts management and stage direction, at Politecnico di Milano, collaborating with Accademia Scala Milano and Piccolo Teatro. Holding a degree from Aristotle University's Theater Department he studied Economics, Business Administration, Strategy, and Marketing at Institute Universitaire Kurt-Bosh, Switzerland. His interests span large language models, neural networks, AI in theater and contemporary directing. President of "DEUSKOUROS PHOENIX" Cultural Association: art-theater-performance-film-AI research, occupied as professional theater director.

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