Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Theatre, Technology and Hiking. The case of an Εducational Programme on Lycabettus Hill in Athens.

Oct 18, 2024, 2:50 PM
RM 207

RM 207


Emilia Karantzouli (NKUA)


This paper aims to highlight the contribution of the synthesis of Theatre in Education and New Techniques in the environmental awareness of primary school students. Initially, a pedagogical and theoretical documentation of this particular conflation is carried out through international bibliography and recent studies. Following this, the dynamics of the application of activities that combine theatrical codes, as well as role-playing, with new technologies and digital media, in the natural environment are presented. To substantiate this proposal, the example of the Educational Programme for Primary School Students "Educational Pathways. Exploring the Lycabettus Hill" of the Social Cooperative Enterprise "Paths of Greece". With a carefully designed hiking route on Lycabettus Hill as the central axis, students are invited to operate in a context of different roles, to map the area and finally to understand the importance of nature and sustainability.


Emilia Karantzouli holds a PhD in Theatre in Education at the Department of Primary Education, NKUA (Dissertation topic: Digital Drama and its Utilization in the Educational Process). She is a graduate of the DPE and of the Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology Department of the School of Philosophy. She also holds a Master's degree in "Theatre and Education". She has been a constant collaborator during the last years of the Art and Discourse Laboratory (DPΕ, NKUA). She has developed research work in several Research Programs and in recent years she has been working as an assistant director beside Takis Tzamargias.

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