Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Investigating the effect of flipped classroom approach on theatre/drama education

Oct 18, 2024, 2:30 PM
RM 207

RM 207


Vassilis Zakopoulos (NKUA)


The present study attempts to investigate the application of the “flipped classroom” model in the field of Theatre/Drama education, to analyse the levels of interaction and participatory learning that take place and to consider the prospects of its application for Theatre/Drama in education, as a different, innovative methodological approach. A small-scale case study was designed, involving three theatre education teachers who implemented the model with their students. The findings showed that the implementation of the “flipped classroom” model in the teaching of Theatre/Drama in education seems to increase interactivity between all the participants, and provides opportunities for both to further develop their theatrical and digital skills, either within or outside the school environment. However, the challenges for teachers are many, as they have to create high quality materials, monitor their students' progress and ensure that they are prepared for the activities that will follow in the classroom.


Vassilis Zakopoulos holds an MA (1996) and a Ph.D. (2001) degree from the University of Reading, UK in ICT in education. Since 2019, he teaches the course “Theatre and digital technologies in education” in the direction “Theatre Teaching” of the MA “Greek and World Theatre: Dramaturgy, Performance, Education” and “Research Methodology in Theatre Studies” at the University of Athens. He currently teaches at the University of West Attica, and his research interests include the integration of ICT in education, Theatre and digital technologies in education and Research Methodology. He has participated with papers and published articles in many Greek and international scientific conferences and academic journals.

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