Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Drawing as a Sensorial Encounter: Analyzing the Intersection of Body, Clay, and Poetry (art based)

Oct 18, 2024, 3:30 PM
RM 206

RM 206


Miriam González-Álvarez (University of La Laguna) Noemi Peña-Sanchez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)


Nowadays we find that educational practices are still based on a "banking" vision of knowledge that maintains a stereotyped and static structure. In response, our teaching practice is based on the pedagogy of contact to account for the relationship between pedagogy and performance, focusing on corporeality as a means of knowledge. From an interdisciplinary approach, this study explores new drawing possibilities for pre-service teachers. The dynamic shows the expressive possibilities of the body through the different senses using clay and poetry. Four moments that initiate a perceptive stimulus through tactility to continue with listening through poetic rhythms. new gestures that enhance the involvement of bodies and creative abilities in the teaching-learning process. The results obtained show us the possibilities of the body for aesthetic creation and the need to provoke new educational strategies that transform the classroom space.


Noemi Peña-Sanchez
holds a Ph.D. in Fine Arts at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). She is a lecturer in Art Education teaching undergraduate and graduate courses at the Faculties of Education and Fine Arts in the Universidad de La Laguna (ULL) in Canary Islands (Spain). She is involved in interdisciplinary educational projects that connect with her research interest dealing with socially engaged practices in formal and non-formal contexts involving issues of cultural diversity such as gender, race, and disability.

Miriam González-Álvarez
holds a degree in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) and is a PhD student in the Doctoral Programme in Art and Humanities at the University of La Laguna (ULL). She is currently employed at the University of La Laguna as research staff after being awarded the FPI grant from the Government of the Canary Islands, the Canary Agency for Research, Innovation and the Information Society and the European Social Fund. Her research focuses on the relationship between (audio)visual narratives and the intersectional subjectivization experiences of teenager(s).

Primary author

Noemi Peña-Sanchez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)


Miriam González-Álvarez (University of La Laguna)

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