Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Performance art in Preschool Education

Oct 18, 2024, 2:50 PM



Eleni Lampronikou (NKUA)


PERFORMANCE ART IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATION: "The course of water" In the present study, we would like to present a cultural-environmental course of program that lasted for eight months and took place at a nursery school in the centre of Athens. The primary aim of the course of program was to address pre-schoolers aged 4-6 in order for them to experiment, discover and experience the value of and "course of water" (bearing in mind "the future of water) through all the sciences proposed by the kindergarten curriculum. By means of theatrical and visual art techniques, the children systematically observed water and its properties - re-enacted through theatrical play and dramatization of the water cycle - it captured in different visual art techniques, “the course of water” and looked for answers to problems. As I have already mentioned, by dint of a wide array of techniques drawn from educational Drama. In tandem with this, they composed and staged a visual-theatrical performance that they presented to their parents at the end of the school year.


Eleni Lampronikou is a current PhD candidate in Departement of Theatre Studies (NKUA). She studied at the department of Theater & Performing Arts in Sorbonne University (Paris) where he obtained a master's degree (DEA). At the same time, she attended seminars in the Sciences of Education at the University of Saint Denis (Paris). In 2012, she obtained the Postgraduate Diploma in General Education from the Departement of Early Childhood Education (NKUA). She graduated from D.P.E.E of University of the Aegean (Rhodes). As part of the Lingua Erasmus program, she studied at the ULB university in Brussels. Since 1999 until today, she is specialized in the animation of theatre activities in theater education and she organige workshops for teachers, actors and students. She is the author of The Drama Education in Kindergarten book (Athens, Pigi, 2017) and of various publications in Greek Journals. Since 2003, she has been working in public education as a kindergarten teacher.

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