Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Game is between sticks and blowers: new relationships and communication between olive cultivation workers

Oct 18, 2024, 10:50 AM
RM 209

RM 209


Estrella Soto Moreno (Jaén University) Jesús Caballero Caballero (Jaén University) Maria Isabel Moreno Montoro (Jaén University) María Lorena Cueva Ramírez (Jaén University) Pedro Ernestο Morenο Garcia (University of Granada)


We present a sound performance about change of the sound landscape in the field work with olive trees. This action is part of the Olive grove, body, identity and territory project, subsidized by the Giennese Studies Institute of the Jaén Provincial Council, which carries out a study on the situation of women in the olive culture. But the results not only respond to that objective, but also other aspects have been revealed, such as the change in human relationships at work. The objective of this performance is to express the profound change towards dehumanization that has been experienced in the olive monocultive, highlighting very particularly how relationships have been lost in exchanges between people. It develops with an action in which the soundscapes of olive harvesting in the 20th century and today are alternately articulated. The contrast that is strongly appreciated in the sound and communication between workers stands out.


Pedro Ernesto Moreno García.
Graduated in History and Music Sciences from the University of Granada. He explores different realms of musical creation. Upon arriving in Granada to pursue his Musicology studies, he delved into the world of pop bands and collaborated with groups in the scene in tours across different countries. He has been developing personal projects that seek the convergence between pop and experimental electronic music. On the academic front, he is currently pursuing his doctoral thesis at the University of Jaén, researching the transformations of soundscape in rural areas, with a focus on listening and aesthetic perception.

Estrella Soto Moreno
has Master´s Degree in Art Research an Aesthetic Education from Jaén University. Degree in Fine Arts from Granada University. She has experience in the field of contemporary artistic creation with a special interest in human relations through the experience of creation. As a result of these interests, she has exhibited, published in journals and participated in international conferences. Some of these notable activities are the participation in the exhibition "Art on paper" or "Fluir, confluir, divergir y converger" at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Barcelona.

Jesús Caballero Caballero.
Art Education Teacher at Jaén University, PhD in Heritage from the University of Jaén. Graduated in Fine Arts from the University of Seville, Master in Research and Aesthetic Education from Jaén University. Master's Degree in Secondary Education from the University of Seville. Research line: fundamentally directed towards the development of an artistic research methodology with a theme that situates the bodily experience as an artistic experience and that is also combined with his creative production. Member of the HUM-862 Research group of the University of Jaén (Spain) and director of the Research and Artistic Creation Journal Afluir.

Maria Isabel Moreno Montoro
is PhD in Fine Arts, Seville University, full Professor of Artistic and Visual Education (Jaén University, Spain). Researcher around intermediate art practices, artistic research and social action. She is responsible for research group, "Estudios en Sociedad, Artes y Gestión Cultural”; Master degree Coordinator “Investigación y Educación Estética”, e-journal Director “Tercio Creciente”. She has co-edited among other works, the books “Reflexiones sobre Investigación artística e Investigación Educativa Basada en las Artes, (Síntesis, Madrid, 2016) and "Industrías culturales y creativas: un enfoque con compromiso social" (Fondo Editorial Universidad Antonio Nariño, Bogotá, 2019).

Maria Lorena Cueva-Ramirez
is Professor of the Didactics of Plastic Expression Area from Jaén University (Spain). PhD in Heritage with international mention (2020) and Master´s Degree in Secondary Education Teachers (2015) from Jaen University. Degree in Fine Arts from Granada University in 2014. She develops her research around socio-educational intervention based on the arts and artistic mediation, collaborating with different groups and social communities. Member of the HUM-862 Research Group and the Ibero-American Research Network in Arts, Culture and Education for Social Transformation (RIIACETS). Editor-in-Chief of the Digital Magazine of Studies in Society, Arts and Cultural Management TERCIO CRECIENTE.

Primary author

Pedro Ernestο Morenο Garcia (University of Granada)


Estrella Soto Moreno (Jaén University) Jesús Caballero Caballero (Jaén University) Maria Isabel Moreno Montoro (Jaén University) María Lorena Cueva Ramírez (Jaén University)

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