Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Why Dissenus Matters: Uniting Art, Nature, Technology and Education

Oct 18, 2024, 10:30 AM
RM 209

RM 209


Lisbet Skregelid (University of Agder)


By referring to the book Dissens and Sensibility: Why Art Matters I will in this paper present what I call pedagogy of dissensus, which is an educational approach informed by the ambivalent and dissensual characteristics of art. In the paper I describe how the situation caused by COVID-19 turned out to be a major interruption and led to the artwork My stunning stream - Made with a little mischief (2020-). This project has made me slow down and pay attention to my senses and the relation between myself, nature, and the technology I use. Most importantly – and quite paradoxically – my calls for dissensus have been disturbed. In this global division of the sensible, I felt a need for the opposite. I wanted harmony and routine. In the paper I see my running project as an educational space, where I encounter resistance, and where I am put in the middle ground.


Lisbet Skregelid is a Professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Agder, Norway. Here she leads the research group Art and Young People and the PhD specialization Art in Context. She is engaged in questions regarding why art matters in society in general and in education in particular. Her research interests are within the expanded field of art education, and she has many years of praxis experience in this context. In her latest research Skregelid´s own art practice is the point of departure for discussing art educational issues and questions related to sustainability.

Primary author

Lisbet Skregelid (University of Agder)

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