Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Shared Landscapes: Nature as the protagonist of the show

Oct 18, 2024, 9:30 AM
RM 209

RM 209


Gianna Gkioni (University of the Peloponnese)


The project Shared Landscapes was curated by Caroline Barneaud (Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne) and Stefan Kaegi (Rimini Protokoll) and was presented in Lausanne, Avignon, and Berlin in 2023. Shared Landscapes is basically an invitation by seven artists from all artistic disciplines to the audience, asking them to spend a full day in the forest and participate into artistic works that attempt to re-negotiate the boundaries between the often-conflicting areas of art, nature, and technology. It follows the tradition of land art but blurs the limits between the genres of performance art, sound composition, choreography, media art and site-specific theatre. Its main aim is to encourage the participants to re-consider their own relationship to the landscape and re-discover their own position in an eco-system much bigger than themselves.This presentation aims to use the case study of the project Shared Landscapes, to emphasize the educational value of such an artistic work. It plans to demonstrate the way we can use the documentary theatre techniques which are employed in this artistic piece in the drama classroom to involve our students in the discourse about ecology.


Gianna Gkioni has studied English language and literature at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Drama and Theatre Arts at Goldsmiths College, University of London and she holds a master’s degree in Theatre Directing from Royal Holloway, University of London. In addition, she is currently conducting PhD research on German theatre at the University of Peloponnese, Department of Fine Arts. She is a professional theatre director, and her latest work consists of directing the play Vox Populi, at Theatre 104 in Athens (2023-24). Her previous works include translating and directing the play Children of the Sun by Maxim Gorki at Theatre 104 (2022-23), Things I know to be true by Andrew Bovell at Alkmini Theatre (2019-2020) and The Gronholm Method by Jordi Galceran at Fabrica Artspace (2018). Finally, she is a very enthusiastic drama teacher, working at ACS Athens since 2021.

Primary author

Gianna Gkioni (University of the Peloponnese)

Presentation materials

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