Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Photography, video storytelling, and Audiovisual Culture as educational tools in preserving LGTBIQ+ memory

Oct 18, 2024, 10:30 AM
RM 208

RM 208


Jesús Caballero Caballero (Jaén University) Pedro Ernesto Moreno García (University of Granada)


Our intervention in this session aims to report on the results of a project involving audiovisual narratives that seek to recover the memory of the LGTBIQ+ community. These outcomes are presented as tools, resources, and teaching strategies for addressing audiovisual culture in future Primary Education teachers at the University of Jaén. This proposal outlines the working methodology through which students from the Primary Education degree at the University of Jaén have carried out the collection, design, and execution of an audiovisual project with a significant cultural component in the social context of the city: the migrations and exile of the LGTBIQ+ community from rural areas, specifically Jaén, to major Spanish and European cities.


Jesús Caballero Caballero.
Art Education Teacher at Jaén University, PhD in Heritage from the University of Jaén. Graduated in Fine Arts from the University of Seville, Master in Research and Aesthetic Education from Jaén University. Master's Degree in Secondary Education from the University of Seville. Research line: fundamentally directed towards the development of an artistic research methodology with a theme that situates the bodily experience as an artistic experience and that is also combined with his creative production. Member of the HUM-862 Research group of the University of Jaén (Spain) and director of the Research and Artistic Creation Journal Afluir.

Pedro Ernesto Moreno García.
Graduated in History and Music Sciences from the University of Granada. He explores different realms of musical creation. Upon arriving in Granada to pursue his Musicology studies, he delved into the world of pop bands and collaborated with groups in the scene in tours across different countries. He has been developing personal projects that seek the convergence between pop and experimental electronic music. On the academic front, he is currently pursuing his doctoral thesis at the University of Jaén, researching the transformations of soundscape in rural areas, with a focus on listening and aesthetic perception.

Primary author

Jesús Caballero Caballero (Jaén University)


Pedro Ernesto Moreno García (University of Granada)

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