Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Sea-See Stories; Reality and Myth in Theatre/Drama Processes

Oct 18, 2024, 10:30 AM
RM 207

RM 207


Clio Fanouraki (NKUA)


This proposed paper will present the dramatized experience of approaching an excerpt from Dyan Sheldon's internationally successful illustrated book "The Whales’ Song", taken from the anthology of texts for primary school, for students aged 9-10 years, in the context of theatre pedagogical training, for students of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Theatre Studies in Greece, drama teachers, and their students. The methodology of drama and art will be the main methodological tools through which the results of a fifteen-year application will be presented, to students and future drama education teachers, with parallel applications of the same activity in grades 3 and 4 in Greek primary schools. Techniques and approaches of drama, dramatized narrative as well as contextualized learning, through methods of process drama, documentary theatre, and improvisation, as well as applications of the Heathcote Commission's teaching model, will constitute the theatrical resources and the basis of the artistic-disciplinary chain.


Clio Fanouraki, Associate professor in Theatrology–Theatre Didactics, Department of Theatre Studies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Film&Theatre Director, Writer, Performer. Her scientific interests and research focus on theatre/drama education, contemporary theatre, digital theatre and the application of digital technologies in theatre and education, language arts, multicultural drama, writing for theatre and performance, creative writing, the dramatized teaching of Greek language and literature and foreign languages, the design of curricula through the arts and subfields of social and applied theatre. She has conducted multiple research training workshops on the didactics of theatre. Clio Fanouraki has been active in teaching, writing and directing theatre and film for children, young people and adults. (Feature film:Xamou (2016). Short films: Medea (2012), Ftou! Freedom for All (2010), performances etc.). She has worked in the field of research, production and performing for documentaries, film, theatre and art festivals. She believes in the transformative power of arts and play in education and society.

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