Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Environmental awareness in the Greek Theatre for Young Audiences (1975-2023)

Oct 18, 2024, 9:30 AM
RM 207

RM 207


Ioanna Mendrinou (University of the Peloponnese)


Although theater alone cannot change the world, it can nevertheless contribute to the awareness and activation of wider audiences by inviting them to adopt a conscious and responsible attitude towards themselves, others and the environment. The contribution of the present study lies in the study and presentation of Greek theatrical and dramatic production with the theme of promoting environmental awareness in Greek theater for young audiences. Through the theatrical research, the gathering and examination of the study of primary and secondary documents, the semiotic analysis of the relevant dramaturgy from the first transition period in Greece (1970s) until today, and finally a holistic socio-semiotic approach, it is sought to capture the phenomenon in Greece and valuing the role of theater for young ages in educating them to deal with environmental crisis issues and their impact on people's lives.


Ioanna Mendrinou is a PH.D. of Theatrology - Theater for young audiences and holds a postgraduate diploma in "Language Teaching - Literature - Theater and Education" of the Department of Primary Education of the University of Athens. Today she serves as a Kindergarten Teacher Education Consultant at a Directorate of Primary Education in Athens. She has served as Health Education and C Cultural Affairs Manager and has taught the theater pedagogy courses in various university departments. She is an author of scientific monographs and papers, literary books for children and health promotion educational programs through drama.

Primary author

Ioanna Mendrinou (University of the Peloponnese)

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