Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Moirai: Weaving Community Projects with Arts/ Arts Education for Social Inclusion

Oct 18, 2024, 10:30 AM



Angela Saldanha (APECV) Anita Sinner (University of British Columbia) Celia Ferreira (APECV) Christiana Afrikaner (Ministry of Sports Arts and Culture) Flavia Liberman (UNIFESP) Maria Vassiliadou (Frederick University) Martha Patricia Espíritu Zavalza (University of Guadalajara) Petra Iris Grabowski (Free University of Bozen/Bolzano) Rita Irwin (University of British Columbia) Steve Willis (Missouri State University) Teresa Torres de Eca (APECV) Viviane Maximino


Arts and crafts are asked to bring greater contribution to the implementation of UN sustainable development goal 3 – “good health and wellbeing” and to work interdisciplinary. From our experience, we believe that artists, art educators and cultural workers can work together with social workers to maintain hope and care and create safe spaces of wellbeing. In this performance base paper we will discuss the main issues that had challenged us, as women researchers and artists through the last years working with arts and arts education to enrich social prescribing activities. Using the metaphor of the Fates, authors will explore through a performance questions related to arts/art education based projects integrated in social prescription programs, with the help of images taken during art actions with vulnerable communities


Dr. Maria Vassiliadou
is an Associate Professor of Art Education and the Erasmus co-ordinator at the Department of Pre-Primary Education at Frederick University. She studied Fine Arts at the Superior School of Fine Arts, Athens, Greece. She continued her studies at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid where she received her Ph.D on Artistic Education and Art Therapy with distinction cum laude. Dr. Vassiliadou is teaching at Frederick University since 2008 and previously she used to be a lecture at Frederick Institute of Technology since 2001. Her research interests focus in art education, museum education, multicultural education through art and the use of art therapy in special education and society, multicultural education through art leed her to participate at different international conferences. She is a practicing artist and she has participated in multiple exhibitions and artistic workshops in Cyprus and Europe. Beyond her thesis, she has published several articles in different international scientific journals. Dr. Maria Vassiliadou is co-founder of the CySEA (Cyprus Society for the Education through Arts)

Célia Ferreira
is a PhD Student in the Program of Child Studies – Specialization of Arts Education. University of Minho, Portugal, She has a MA in Art Education. Post-Graduate Studies in Pedagogical Supervision, Universidade Aberta. She is a Secondary school Art Teacher in Portugal. Her Research interests are: Education through art; textile art, crafts, community art and heritage.

Ângela Saldanha,
born in Portugal. has undergone 2 Postdoctoral degrees in Digital Media Art, Open University, Lisbon: PhD in Arts Education, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto, Portugal. She collaborates with the Research Centre for Arts and Communication, UA. Portugal, and integrates the Institute of Research in Arts, Design and Society, FBAUP- Portugal. She has several academic backgrounds in the area of multimedia, ceramics and contemporary artistic production. As an artist she exhibits her works nationally and internationally, where she usually works in works of an artivist nature, of community involvement and of critical reflection on society. She was APECV coordinator in the H2020 Project AMASS (https://amassproject.weebly.com/narratives.html). She integrated community projects with University of Brasilia and collectives of women artists.

Flavia Liberman
is Occupational therapyst, PPhD in Clinical Psychology (PUC-SP) and Post-Doctorate at the University of Évora- Portugal (CHAIA/UE) .Associate Professor at the Federal University of São Paulo and in the Postgraduate at the Interdisciplinary Program in Health Sciences - Campus Baixada Santista. Member of the Body and Art Laboratory at UNIFESP. His research involves the body, the arts, occupational therapy, groups, training, territories and their interfaces. Author of the books : Dances in Occupational Therapy; Delicate choreographies: snapshots of occupational therapy; Organizer of the Book :Groups and Occupational Therapy by Summus Editorial.

Steve Willis
is a Professor of Art Education at Missouri State University in Springfield, MO USA. His academic and visual interests include indigenous knowledge and tribal cultural construction especially in arts, Native American practices, and spirituality in art. As a contemporary artist, his artwork addresses spiritual portals and sacred spaces based on his personal experiences within Spiritual Ceremonies. His art been exhibited widely in the United States in locations in California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Missouri, New York, and Virginia. As well, his artwork has been exhibited globally in Australia Canada, Portugal, Nigeria, South Africa, Spain, and Uganda
Anita Sinner As an artist, researcher and teacher, Anita brings transdisciplinary perspectives to research involving qualitative approaches and many forms of arts research in relation to curriculum studies and social and cultural issues in education.Series Lead Editor: Artwork Scholarship: International Perspectives in Education.

Dr. Rita L. Irwin
is an artist, researcher, and teacher deeply committed to the arts and education. She is a Distinguished University Scholar and Professor of Art Education in the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Rita served as Associate Dean of Teacher Education at UBC from 2005-2015 and Head of the Department of Curriculum Studies from 1999-2005. Rita has been an educational leader for a number of provincial, national and international organizations including being President of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Canadian Association of Curriculum Studies, Canadian Society for Education through Art, and the International Society for Education through Art.

Petra Grabowski
is a Ph.D. candidate at UniBZ, Faculty of Education.
She has a background in Fine Arts and obtained her Master's Degree with honours in Interior and Urban Design at the RUFA (Rome University of Fine Arts), Rome.

Teresa Torres de Eça,
born in Portugal 1961. Initial training as plastic artist by the Fine Arts School at the University of Porto, 1984. PhD in Arts Education at University of Surrey Roehampton, UK in 2004. Has a long career as visual arts teacher; researcher and visual artist. Currently she coordinates the Research Group in Arts, Community and Education at the Portuguese Association of Teachers of APECV. She also collaborates with the Research Centre for Arts and Communication, UA, Portugal.

Primary author

Maria Vassiliadou (Frederick University)


Angela Saldanha (APECV) Anita Sinner (University of British Columbia) Celia Ferreira (APECV) Christiana Afrikaner (Ministry of Sports Arts and Culture) Flavia Liberman (UNIFESP) Martha Patricia Espíritu Zavalza (University of Guadalajara) Petra Iris Grabowski (Free University of Bozen/Bolzano) Rita Irwin (University of British Columbia) Steve Willis (Missouri State University) Teresa Torres de Eca (APECV) Viviane Maximino

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