Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Cultural Heritage and Aesthetic Education at School

Oct 17, 2024, 4:00 PM
RM 207

RM 207


Christina Drakopoulou (Model Junior High School of Evangeliki Scholi Smyrnis) Christina Papadaki (Model Junior High School of Evangeliki Scholi Smyrnis) Maria Karali (Model Junior High School of Evangeliki Scholi Smyrnis) Tonia Kafetzaki (Model Junior High School of Evangeliki Scholi Smyrnis)


As part of the Erasmus+ program, we designed and developed activities and materials, attempting to connect the arts, nature, technology and education. Students and teachers, collaborated experientially based on Arts and Cultural heritage and created communication bridges between students and teachers from five different countries, and different educational systems. In our presentation we will focus on two workshops: A) visual art, with the theme: "Red-figure and Black-figure Vessens" and B) music, which concerns the teaching and performance of the song "Menexedes and Zoumboulia".We dealt with the intangible cultural heritage as, with its dynamics, it is a suitable means for international communication and respect for diversity, the promotion of global understanding and social cohesion, the cultivation of the ideal of peace and sustainable development in the world.


Christina Drakopoulou
is a Graduate of the Department of English Language of UOA and holds a Master's degree from HOU. Since 1999 she has been teaching in Secondary Education and since 2005 she has been at the Model Junior High School of Evangeliki Scholi Smyrnis where she organises an English Language Club. She participates in European Erasmus+ and eTwinning programmes and has been awarded with national and European quality labels. Her scientific interests focus on the collaboration with schools abroad, teaching using CLIL method and the use of digital tools and scenarios for teaching the English Language.

Maria Karali
has been a Music teacher in Secondary Education since 1990. For the last three years she has been working at the Model High School of the Evangelical School of Smyrna. He is a graduate of the Department of Music Studies of the N.K.U.A., graduated in piano from the National Conservatory and advanced theory degrees in Harmony, Counterpoint and Fugue. She has participated in a large number of trainings, seminars and workshops, in cultural programs, health education programs and experiential actions. In all the schools she serves is responsible for the student choir and orchestra.

Tonia Kafetzaki
holds a degree from the Department of History and Archaeology of the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Athens, a master's degree specializing in Art History from the University Paris I-Sorbonne, and a doctorate from the Department of Sociology at Panteion University. Her research interests and publications (articles in scientific journals and presentations at scientific conferences) focus on the relationship between history and literature. Since 1999, she has served in public secondary education, since 2005 at the Model Gymnasium of the Evangelical School of Smyrna, and since 2023 as the principal of the same school. In the context of her educational work, she has organized student history clubs (with an emphasis on the history of Athens) and art history clubs (within the framework of the school's Visual Arts Club), participated in educational teams for interschool activities, cultural activity programs, European Erasmus+ programs, and is systematically involved in local history (Smyrna and Nea Smyrna) and the history of the Evangelical School of Smyrna.

Christina Papadaki:
(1993) Painter, School of Fine Arts-Athens, (1992) EU Erasmus Program Participant Ecole nationale syperieure des Beaux-Arts, (2003)“Design, Space, CIvilisation” Graduate Interdisciplinary Program, School of Architecture, NTU of Athens, (1993-) Art Teacher Primary School(3yrs), Dafni Prefecture Athens, Art Workshop(8yrs Tot.), Art Workshop Responsible(2yrs incl.), Secondary School Art Teacher, in both Private and Public Sectors, Individual Exhibitions and Group Painting Exhibitions Participant both in Greece and abroad(Swetzingen,De.), (2014-) Art Teacher, Model Junior High School of Evangeliki Scholi Smyrnis specially appointed for School Art Courses Group (2015-), Writings on Representative Art Issues, Seminar - Conference Attendee/Presenter, EU ERASMUS+, Art Teacher-Program Participant.

Primary author

Christina Drakopoulou (Model Junior High School of Evangeliki Scholi Smyrnis)


Christina Papadaki (Model Junior High School of Evangeliki Scholi Smyrnis) Maria Karali (Model Junior High School of Evangeliki Scholi Smyrnis) Tonia Kafetzaki (Model Junior High School of Evangeliki Scholi Smyrnis)

Presentation materials

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