Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Arts Integration into higher education: Teaching Engineering Students using Creative movement, Drama and Puppetry

Oct 17, 2024, 3:40 PM
RM 207

RM 207


Helena Korošec (University of Ljubljana) Nuša Jurjevič (University of Ljubljana) Vesna Geršak (University of Ljubljana)


The study is part of the research project "Promoting innovative learning environments in teaching and learning for engineering students on green transition topics", which is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and the European Union -NextGenerationEU. Ninety engineering students from the University of Ljubljana (from the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and the Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport) were introduced to innovative approaches to learning through the arts – dance, drama, and puppetry. Topics included sustainable issues. Students' reactions to this type of teaching were sought through a questionnaire about their experiences of learning through arts experiences. The integration of creative movement, drama and puppets is proving to be a successful teaching approach not only for young children but also for engineering students who are not normally exposed to the arts as part of their studies.


Helena Korošec, Ph.D.,
is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, where she teaches creative drama and puppetry in preschool, primary, and special education programmes. Her pedagogical and research work includes the role of puppets and drama in learning and teaching and in child/youth development. She leads puppetry and creative drama workshops for primary school and preschool teachers in Slovenia and abroad. She is a member of the international UNIMA commission “Puppets in Education and Therapy” and a member of IDEA – International Drama in Education Association.

Nuša Jurjevič
is a researcher on the Faculty of Education University of Ljubljana and a freelance visual artist - illustrator. Her research field is integrating artistic and dance experiences into the learning process, while researching effects of those experiences on cognitive development, conceptual fields, creativity, social skills, etc. She is also interested in holistic artistic art experience and arts-based research (ABR) in education. She is currently working on her PhD.

Vesna Geršak, Ph.D.,
is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, where she teaches dance and creative movement in preschool, primary and special education programmes. Her pedagogical and research work includes dance pedagogy, embodied approaches, and the integration of the arts in the learning process. She was involved in the creation of a curriculum for creative dance in the education of future educators at the Faculty of Education. Since 2022 she has been leading a project on integration of learning through artistic experiences in STEM. Vesna is Chair Elect of Dance and the Child International (daCi).

Primary author

Helena Korošec (University of Ljubljana)


Nuša Jurjevič (University of Ljubljana) Vesna Geršak (University of Ljubljana)

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