Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Pandemics in vocal music

Oct 17, 2024, 4:00 PM
RM 206

RM 206


Demetra Hondrou (NKUA)


It is commonly known, that since a pandemic overcomes local boarders, several fields of social life are affected among those artistic creation. During the past three years, humanity experienced the consequences of a tremendous and unbelievable pandemic named coronavirus or Covid 19. Due to this fact, I thought that it would be very interesting to investigate how vocal music embodied or better depicted the reverberations of an epidemic or even better pandemic, which took global part in a particular period. The paper is focused on the distinctness of musical and dramaturgical approach and adaptation of a pandemic, travelling through different countries such as Italy, France, Great Brittain, Low Countries, Austria, Germany, Russia and also traversing diverse schools of composition, such as: Franco-Flemish School (Renaissance), Baroque, Classicism, Romanticism, French Grand-Opéra (19th century), Italian opera and Verismo, Post - Romanticism, School of Six (France), Russian Neoclassicism, Second Viennese School, Early Modernism, Modernism.

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