Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Transformative, Interconnected Learning: An Arts-based Multiliteracies Approach

Oct 17, 2024, 4:20 PM



Beryl Peters (University of Manitoba) Julie Mongeon-Ferré (Manitoba Bureau de l'éducation française)


The purpose of this paper presentation is to share results from a Canadian critical participatory action research (CPAR) study to design and transform Grades 1 to 12 learning spaces using an interconnected pedagogy of arts-based multiliteracies. Study participants deeply engaged with and explored arts-based interdisciplinary themes of nature, sustainability, technology, environmental consciousness, human rights and more. Presenters will share research data that illustrates the potential for arts-based multiliteracies approaches to transform learning and to support equity, inclusion, well-being, resilience, identity, and agency for all learners. Research findings have the potential to inform current and future policy related to education.


Dr. Beryl Peters
has dedicated her career to arts education through teaching, advocacy, writing, and research. She has taught music and the arts in K-12 schools and post-secondary from Texas to the Yukon. She is currently Director of Practicum and Partnerships at the Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba. Dr. Peters served as Arts Education Consultant for ten years with the Manitoba Department of Education, developing K-12 arts education curriculum and resources. Dr. Peters holds multiple teaching and research awards including a national Arts Researchers and Teachers Society Doctoral Graduate Research Award for her research in Orff-based approaches to literacy.

Julie Mongeon-Ferré
is the arts education consultant with the Bureau de l'éducation française in the Manitoba Department of Education and Early Childhood Learning. She promotes arts education while developing curriculum and teaching resources and leading teacher professional learning in dramatic arts, visual arts, dance, and music, from Kindergarten to Grade 12. Throughout her career, Julie served on provincial and national arts education executive boards to support music and arts education. Prior to her current position, Julie practised as an arts educator throughout her 30-year public school career.

Primary author

Beryl Peters (University of Manitoba)


Julie Mongeon-Ferré (Manitoba Bureau de l'éducation française)

Presentation materials

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