Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Architectural Science and Art Education Methods at Riga Technical University

Oct 17, 2024, 2:56 PM
RM 1 Auditorium (Modern Greek Language Teaching Centre)

RM 1 Auditorium

Modern Greek Language Teaching Centre


Andra Ulme (Riga Technical University) Dina Baumane (Riga Technical University)


The relevance of the topic is determined by the need for art education in the profession of architect. The process of preparing projects by artists or architects is closely related to drawing - as sketches or drafts. The search for an artistic image in sketches always takes place in the drawing. Historically, the ability to draw by hand has been central to the architectural profession – all ideas, concepts and final design projects were drawn by hand only. Today, with the introduction of CAD software, the situation has changed. Architecture students often want to use digital tools to look modern, but the skills are not yet there and as a result - the basic skills to sketch an idea quickly and easily are lost, drawings become sloppy and are submitted incomplete. The authors in the study provide insight and analyse methods that will be useful to any art education educator. The work was developed at the RTU Institute of Architecture and Design.


Andra Ulme, Dr. arch.,
is a Professor at the Institute of Architecture and Design of RTU. Since 2004, she has been a lecturer, from 2015, an Associate Professor, and from 2021, a full Professor with RTU. She has been an interior architect and designer, specialising in public and private interiors, in hotel interior design, has completed more than 25 projects in suburbs over the last ten years, mostly in luxury style. She is the author of more than 50 publications about spatial design, architecture, urban planning, history of architecture, accessibility of environment, universal design, and educational problems published in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Croatia, Poland, Portugal, Italy, Greece, and Russia. Since 2017, she has been an international expert in architecture, design and art. Her research interests are architecture, contemporary problems of architectural and design education, virtual reality exploration of unutilised hidden resources and research of utilisation possibility of these resources to promote the development of the national economy of Latvia.

Dina Baumane, Mg. art,
is an assistant of Professor at the Institute of Architecture and Design of RTU. More than 40 years she has been an artist in different Art areas – drawing, painting, textile, paper art and others. Dina has great experience not only as an artist with annual exhibitions of her works at local and international exhibitions, but she is also an excellent art pedagogue with more than 35 years of experience in art schools and the Faculty of Architecture of Riga Technical University.

Primary author

Andra Ulme (Riga Technical University)


Dina Baumane (Riga Technical University)

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