Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Teaching mathematics through theatre methods

Oct 17, 2024, 2:45 PM
RM 1 Auditorium (Modern Greek Language Teaching Centre)

RM 1 Auditorium

Modern Greek Language Teaching Centre


Maria Galani (High School of Platanias, Chania) Nektarios Moumoutzis (Technical University of Crete) Theodoros Paraschou (1st Experimental High School of Chania)


The TIM (Theater in Mathematics) educational methodology aims to address the issues related to mainstream math teaching. It builds on and combines two existing approaches that have been developed in previous years: The approach “Mathemart ” and the approach “Process Drama”. The combination of these approaches has been done in the light of life skills for school wellbeing in line with relevant studies and recommendations from the World Health Organization. It is important to underline the crucial role of the teacher - animator: he/she must know the life skills related to the activity chosen In this context, stories and activities were written to inspire primary and secondary school mathematics teachers to teach using the performing arts. The proposed activities accompanying the stories were created based on the TIM methodology.


Thodoris Paraschou studied Geology at the AUTH and has been working as a teacher in Secondary Education for seventeen years. He has taught both science and mathematics. He holds two master's degrees in Geography and Environment, with a scholarship from the SSF, and in Education Sciences, Critical Pedagogy and Teacher Education. He is involved in research and publishes articles in scientific journals. He has been involved with amateur, artistic theatre and animation groups implementing similar activities in the schools he has worked in. He has participated in the writing team of two books of GraphicNovel "Genre: Homo- Unhackable" (ISBN:978-618-536-74-8) and "...with a taste of Mathematics" (ISBN:978-618-5364-85-4).

Primary author

Theodoros Paraschou (1st Experimental High School of Chania)


Maria Galani (High School of Platanias, Chania) Nektarios Moumoutzis (Technical University of Crete)

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