Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Journeys Through the Sonosphere: Introducing Soundscape Composition to young children

Oct 17, 2024, 12:30 PM
RM 209

RM 209


Ana Louisa Veloso (University of Aveiro)


This paper investigates the potentialities of working with Soundscape Composition (SC) with young children. SC was introduced and developed by Truax (2019) in the context of the World Soundscape Project, but has not yet been fully approached by Music Education practice and research. In this paper I will present the results of an action research study developed in a nursery school in Portugal where children engaged in SC. Data for this paper refers to 10 sixty-minute sessions and includes participant observation, field notes, informal conversations with children and video/audio recordings.Findings suggest that young children, when engaged with SC, create new meanings for the sound worlds that surround them, establishing deep and meaningful relationships with the environment. At the same time, a new idea of music seems to emerge, characterized by an openness to all sounds and sound possibilities. Implications to music education practice and research will be discussed.


Ana Luísa Veloso (Guitarist, Graduation in Music Education, Porto College of Education, 2005, PhD in Music Education, Aveiro University, 2012) is a Portuguese assistant researcher at INET-md, University of Aveiro, where she is now developing the project “A Sound Centered approach to Music Education: A Pedagogical Framework for a new paradigm in teaching and learning music during childhood”, financed by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. She is also a member and associated artist of the association Sonoscopia where she participates in several artistic and educational projects related to music improvisation, contemporary and experimental music and sound art.

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