17–19 Oct 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

The integration of Musescore in the community music project El Sistema Greece

17 Oct 2024, 12:10
RM 209

RM 209


Christina Anagnostopoulou (NKUA) Stavroula Matrozou (NKUA) Tassos Kolydas (NKUA)


Community Music (CM) practices have long existed, offering an alternative to standard music education. This approach focuses on the development of musical and social skills of its participants. An example of such a community music project is El Sistema. El Sistema has succeeded in Venezuela, inspiring the development of similar philosophy programs worldwide and in Greece with El Sistema Greece's (ESG) foundation in 2016. Even though technological advancements have entered the field of music education, integrating technology in CM programs is difficult due to its participants' usually low socioeconomic status. This research aimed to integrate the music notation software Musescore in ESG and find how and to what extent it served ESG’s goals. A mixed methods design combining qualitative and quantitative techniques was chosen. The results indicated that Musescore’s integration enhanced students' musical skills, creativity, autonomy, and agency.


Stavroula Matrozou
is a final-year undergraduate student at the Department of Music Studies, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens as well as the educational coordinator for El Sistema Greece, a community music project for social inclusion. She is interested in continuing her studies in Community Music and creating a percussion community music project. She wants to travel the world and connect with people through active music-making.

Christina Anagnostopoulou
is an associate professor at the Department of Music Studies, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, and the director of the Cognition, Computation and Community Music Lab. She has previously taught at the Universities of Edinburgh, Glasgow and Queen’s Belfast. Her research interests include computational and cognitive musicology, music psychology and community music.

Tassos Kolydas
is a member of the Laboratory-Teaching Staff of the Department of Music Studies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He has studied musicology (PhD), computer science (MSc), and guitar. He has published musicological and computer science papers in both Greek and international journals. His research interests revolve around Greek art music, digital cultural heritage management and information and communication technologies in education. He has taught courses in historical musicology and digital musicology at the University of Athens and the University of Ioannina. He has developed web applications as part of research projects for the University of Athens, the Greek National Opera, the Institute for Research in Music Acoustics, the University of Ioannina, etc. He is a member of the Hellenic Musicological Society, the Greek Branch of IAML, the Hellenic Orff - Schulwerk Association and the Greek Society for Music Education .

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