Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Performative art as a transformative and emancipatory educational practice in collective and social spaces

Oct 17, 2024, 12:10 PM
RM 207

RM 207


Francesca Mondin (University of Macerata) Sofia Capaccioni (University of Macerata)


This article proposes a reflection on the transformative value of socially and politically engaged art created in non-formal contexts (Helguera, 2011; Trione, 2022), focusing on the emancipatory and caring potential of these artistic practices from a pedagogical-educational perspective.The experience of the transfeminist performances of the international collective Our Voice will be analysed as a case study based on real life events. The research was carried out thanks to participatory practices that allowed us to abstract theoretical points regarding the educational processes inherent to collective artistic practice (Freire, 2014).The study demonstrates how collective contexts can be fertile places for transpedagogical artistic activities (Helguera, 2011) which give life to a kind of art that conveys its human and social value, beyond aesthetics, thus becoming a tool for mobilizing and raising the awareness of its audience (Paz Rey et Korol, 2022 ).


Francesca Mondin,
graduated in Pedagogical Sciences (master's degree), works as a tutor and teaching assistant in General and Community pedagogy at the University of Macerata. She has participated to international and national research projects concerning Art from an educational and intercultural perspective. She is a pedagogist and educator in third-sector organizations. Francesca has worked with outdoor and environmental education and she has also been involved in the qualitative monitoring of educational interventions in collaboration with the University of Macerata. In Palermo she deals both with education of disadvantaged young people in the district of Albergheria and activism and performative-art.

Sofia Capaccioni
graduated in Diagnostics and Materials for Art Conservation and Restoration (three-year degree). In 2019 she did an annual internship at the research and conservation institute “Opificio delle Pietre Dure” during which she wrote a dissertation that was published in the OPD Restauro magazine in 2020. She graduated in Cultural Heritage Management (master's degree) at the UNIMC, doing an internship at the Paolo and Ornella Ricca School Museum and presenting a dissertation on the field of heritage education and interpretation. She works in Palermo as a planner of artistic and social activities.

Primary author

Francesca Mondin (University of Macerata)

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