Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Enhancing interculturality through Drama Pedagogy at ethnic and religious anniversary celebrations in Greek school

Oct 17, 2024, 11:30 AM
RM 207

RM 207


Maria Kefalaki (University of Crete)


The study, utilizing drama-based pedagogy, investigated whether a specially designed Drama Pedagogy program for the processing of issues related to the national and religious anniversary celebrations of the Greek school could promote the principles of interculturality, cultivating the intercultural ability of the students at the Primary school. The program, implemented with 6th-grade students, consisted of three sub-programs structured based on M. Bennett's empathy development model. Utilizing D. Kirkpatrick's program evaluation model with a semi-experimental design, the study employed pretest and posttest measures, applying both quantitative and qualitative research data collection methods. The findings highlighted the program's positive impact on promoting interculturality principles, cultivating students' intercultural competence, and introducing the concept of interculturality into a school context traditionally characterized by a strong ethnocentric orientation.


Maria Kefalaki holds a Ph.D. in Sciences of Education from the Department of Primary Education of the University of Crete. She also has specialized in Drama Pedagogy at the "Theatre of the Day" and has worked for several years with groups of children and adults. Today is an Education Consultant for Kindergarten Teachers in Heraklion Crete and is an associate professor at the School of Pedagogical and Technological Education in the Annual Pedagogical Training Program (EPPAIK).

Primary author

Maria Kefalaki (University of Crete)

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