Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

The PART Framework for Novice Art Teachers: Fostering Futures for Community Development Projects

Oct 17, 2024, 12:30 PM
RM 206

RM 206


Merna Meyer (North West University)


The Pythagorean-Platonic view of harmony can be linked to art education in several ways. From a South African perspective, the value of interconnectedness and transformative learning environments are important in addressing deep-seated social and economic inequalities in different communities. Working with higher education art student-teachers in two communities; a children’s home and township youths, we found that the ubuntu spirit - I am what I am because of who we are –embedded in participatory project-based learning, nurture self-efficacy and visions of the youth’s future vocations. Learning together through art, dance and drama, the students merged their PART (participatory artist, researcher and teacher) roles and developed their mentorship abilities. The community youths in turn shared their aspirations and expressed themselves through visual and performing arts. I report on this and a changed narrative, indicating that learning through the arts has many hybrid points of departure to support harmonious ways of connecting.


Merna Meyer is a senior art lecturer and subject head of Creative Art in Education at the North-West University, South Africa. She holds a PhD and specializes in Professional Development for art teachers and developed a working model for art teachers engaging in diverse community contexts. She received the Innovative Teachers’ and Community Engaged Awards from her institution. Her publications include numerous book chapters, articles and conference presentations. She serves on the African Union Policy Consultancy committee and is dedicated to the Sports, Arts and Culture portfolio in her public capacity.

Primary author

Merna Meyer (North West University)

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