17–19 Oct 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Post-Academic Pedagogical Monitoring and Supervision Model in Professional Context: The Case of Artistic Education in the 1st Cycle of Basic Education in the Autonomous Region of Madeira

17 Oct 2024, 12:50



Carlos Gonçalves (Institute of Ethnomusicology of FSCH/UNL at IPP/CIPEM) Carolina Faria (Conservatory - Professional School of Arts of Madeira) Natalina Cristóvão (Education Research Center of the University of Madeira (CIE-UMa)) Paulo Esteireiro (Center for Studies in Sociology and Musical Aesthetics of NOVA University of Lisbon)


This research project aims to analyze and systematize the model of pedagogical monitoring and supervision in the field of artistic (performative) education implemented in the educational establishments of the Autonomous Region of Madeira, focusing specifically on the 1st Cycle of Basic Education. With a duration of 42 years, this model has experienced advancements, setbacks, and adaptations that have involved various educational agents over time. Through this study, a model with 7 dimensions was identified, which served as the basis for the investigation. Thus, the main objective was to understand and seek to define the current model and describe the mechanisms inherent to its various dimensions, providing guidelines for its eventual replication in similar contexts.


Carolina Faria
holds a master's degree in Music Education from the Porto Superior School of Education and is currently performing technical and pedagogical duties at the Conservatory - Professional School of Arts of Madeira.
Paulo Esteireiro
is a musicologist and multi-instrumentalist musician, as well as an integrated researcher at the Center for Studies in Sociology and Musical Aesthetics of NOVA University of Lisbon. He is the Director of Research, Communication, Editions, and Training Services at the Conservatory - Professional School of Arts in Madeira. He holds a master's and doctoral degree in Musicology from NOVA University of Lisbon. His publications include the books "History of Music in Madeira," "Performing Arts in Funchal," "Education and Culture," "Social History of the Piano," "Musicians Interpret Camões," and "Regionalization of the Music Education Curriculum." He is the coordinator of the Madeira Music Collection and the Contributions and Ideas for Artistic Education Collection. Paulo Esteireiro has authored and coordinated the documentary series "Musicians from Madeira" for RTP-Madeira. He has delivered presentations and conferences in several countries and taught at various institutions.
Carlos Gonçalves
holds a Ph.D. in Labor Sciences from the University of Cádiz (Spain), a degree in Administration and School Management from the Higher Institute of Educational Sciences, and a diploma from the Advanced Piano Course at the Madeira Music Conservatory. He is the President of the Conservatory - Professional School of Arts of Madeira. He served as the Director of Artistic and Multimedia Education Services. He taught at the higher education level at the University of Madeira, Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, and Higher Institute of Educational Sciences. He is an Integrated Researcher at the Institute of Ethnomusicology of FSCH/UNL at IPP/CIPEM.
Natalina Cristóvão
is the Director of Artistic Education Services, holding a degree in Music Education, a master's degree in Education Sciences with a focus on Pedagogical Innovation, and a Ph.D. in Education Sciences with a specialization in Curriculum. She is a permanent Teaching Staff member for Music Education, an invited assistant professor at the University of Madeira, and an integrated researcher at the Education Research Center of the University of Madeira: CIE-UMa.

Primary author

Carolina Faria (Conservatory - Professional School of Arts of Madeira)


Carlos Gonçalves (Institute of Ethnomusicology of FSCH/UNL at IPP/CIPEM) Natalina Cristóvão (Education Research Center of the University of Madeira (CIE-UMa)) Paulo Esteireiro (Center for Studies in Sociology and Musical Aesthetics of NOVA University of Lisbon)

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