Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Sculpting Emotions: Nurturing Social and Emotional Learning through Spatial Design in Arts Education

Oct 17, 2024, 12:10 PM
Modern Greek Language Teaching Centre

Modern Greek Language Teaching Centre


Petra Iris Grabowski (University of Bolzano)


The World Alliance for Arts Education (WAAE) summit conference provided a platform for interdisciplinary discussions, converging on the intersection of education, technology, and nature as a catalyst for positive transformation through the arts. This extended abstract delves into the multifaceted connections between cultural literacy, personal development, environmental awareness, and the fostering of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) within the context of arts education. After drawing on (1) selected theoretical frameworks encompassing social cohesion, SEL, and arts education, (2) a presented qualitative research delves into the interwoven connections, investigating the impact of specific three-dimensional artistic practices on teenagers' SEL competencies during an academic year. The findings of this dissertation study, affirm SEL cultivation in art classes, highlighting the substantial effect of the pedagogical and didactical approach and the pivotal role of the learning context. This underscores the significance of ongoing interdisciplinary research in arts education.


Petra Grabowski, artist, teacher and Ph.D. candidate at the University of Bolzano, explores holistic learning models, emphasizing Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in art education. She is passionate about art-based research and interdisciplinary aspects within arts education. Petra earned her master’s degree with honors from RUFA, Rome University of Fine Arts.

Primary author

Petra Iris Grabowski (University of Bolzano)

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