Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

The TWO|FOUR|TWO Art Group: Can Contemporary Art Practice Act as a Vehicle for Sustainable Development?

Oct 18, 2024, 10:10 AM
RM 1 AUD (Auditorium (Modern Greek Language Teaching Centre))


Auditorium (Modern Greek Language Teaching Centre)


Costas Mantzalos (Frederick University)


This paper revolves around the role of contemporary art and its significance for the art world as well as the general social sphere, with a special emphasis on the artistic processes and practices of the TWO|FOUR|TWO art group. The TWO|FOUR|TWO art group uses appropriation and anagrammatism to transmit concepts about consumerism, greed and megalomania. The group’s oeuvre relates to several of the seventeen UN sustainable development goals (SDGs), especially those which deal with ‘zero poverty’ (SDG1), ‘good health and well-being’ (SDG3), ‘decent work and economic growth’ (SDG8) and ‘reduced inequalities’ (SDG10). This paper will focus on the artistic practice of the art group, with an emphasis on the integration of the artworks and the ecological, humanitarian, and sociological dimensions.


Costas Mantzalos was trained in the visual arts in the United Kingdom. He also registered for a higher research degree and investigated the survey of post-modern graphic arts in Cyprus. His first academic post was in 1989, while in 1991, he was appointed as a head of the department. He is a professor and the dean of the School of Arts, Communication and Cultural Studies at Frederick University. Parallel to his academic career, he has been involved in numerous international art and design consultations. Since 1996, he has been the cofounder of the TWO|FOUR|TWO art group, with architect Constantinos Kounnis.

Primary author

Costas Mantzalos (Frederick University)

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