Oct 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

Transforming Art Education: A Critique and Proposal for Sustainable Art Pedagogy in Greek Schools

Oct 18, 2024, 9:30 AM
RM 1 AUD (Auditorium (Modern Greek Language Teaching Centre))


Auditorium (Modern Greek Language Teaching Centre)


Eleni Kartsaka (AUTH) Sofia Chaita (University of the Aegean)


This paper delves into critical issues in Greek art education, centering on the transformative potential of the New Visual Arts Curricula for Secondary Education. Drawing from influential theorists like Dewey, Freire, Vygotsky, Deleuze, and Guattari, the authors advocate for a paradigm shift towards inclusive and participatory art experiences. The theoretical foundation challenges traditional teacher-centric models, proposing a collaborative a/r/tographic framework called redefining roles for educators and learners. The new curricula emphasize dynamic pupil involvement, social-emotional learning, sustainability, and active citizenship. The study adopts a structured three-cycle research methodology aligning with action research, showcasing a/r/tographic roles of researcher, teacher, and artist. Positive outcomes highlight the potential for sustainable educational practices marked by engaged student participation, holistic learning experiences, collaborative teacher approaches, and an inclusive educational ecosystem beyond classrooms. The authors envision a future where art education in Greece becomes integral and transformative of the existing educational system.


Sofia Chaita,
Fine Arts and English language holds a MA in studies in education from the Hellenic Open University and is a doctoral candidate at the University of the Aegean. Formerly a Visual Arts teacher in secondary education and Head of Secondary Public High School and Art Education Coordinator for Primary and Secondary Education in the South Aegean and Crete. Currently Art education School Counselor coordinating primary and secondary art education, she focuses on visual arts education, community art, social values, cultural sustainability, and adult education. Her publications include chapters in international books and reputable Greek journals, contributing to interdisciplinary education and curriculum development projects.

Eleni Kartsaka,
a Fine Arts School graduate, holds an MA in Art History and a PhD in Art, Education, and Semiotics. Formerly a Visual Arts teacher and Head of Cultural Affairs, she's been a School Counselor since 2007. Currently coordinating art courses in multiple regions, she organizes and conducts training for educational bodies. With a focus on visual arts, arts synergy, social art, and semiotics, her work addresses contemporary social concerns, cultural sustainability, adult and experiential education. Her publications encompass scientific and literary books, art criticism, and contributions to prestigious national and international journals. Kartsaka has also supervised and contributed to projects related to textbook and curriculum development.

Primary author

Sofia Chaita (University of the Aegean)


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